How to get big arms - Biceps & triceps

How to get big arms - Biceps & triceps

We all want big arms don’t we? Well for those of you out there who are having trouble getting those big arms you want, here’s a guide to help. I am going to break down three steps to take to achieving the nice size arms you are struggling to get. I’ll explain how to get the nice size with
-Compound exercises
-Exercising other muscles
-Maintaining lean

Step one
is compound exercises. Compound exercises are those that use more than one joint at time. This allows for heavy weights to be used and activates a lot of muscle fibers. This ultimately means big muscle growth. I recommend exercises like pull ups, chins ups, etc . These exercises put a lot of stress on the biceps.

Step two
is exercising other muscles. If you weigh 140 pounds you will not have 20 inch biceps. Your body naturally will not want to be out of balance. With that being said, you can not just strive to get big arms without working the rest of your body. I can not say this is a fact but for most people, it is necessary to add about 15 pounds to gain 1 inch to your bicep. So get on a workout plan that targets the entire body and also a nutrition plan to follow.

, get lean. Big arms are great and all but wouldn’t you prefer big AND defined? I'm guessing yes. No matter how much muscle you have you will still need to follow the proper diet to get lean. When your on your road to gaining weight to get bigger arms, it is very important that the weight you do put on is mostly lean muscle. Try to avoid putting on unnecessary fat while gaining weight.

, your arms are muscles just like any other. Do not over train, muscles grow while you rest. Make sure you are getting the proper rest and not working arms every day to try to get them bigger faster, it will NOT work. Eating is also very important, if you are not eating and resting then results will come very slow. One more note, do not neglect the triceps. Triceps are a huge part of getting those big arms you have always wanted. A big bicep with no tricep does not equal big or defined arms.
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Anonymous said...

change the picture of the arm with a torn bicep, bad example.

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