Get rid of flabby arms

Get rid of flabby arms

Losing weight is all well and good, but sometimes it leaves you with flabby, saggy and jiggly skin. This is when you may start thinking about starting an exercise program to tone up your body. You may be thinking about joining a gym. On the positive side, a gym will have all the state-of-the-art equipment, be sociable and hopefully keep you motivated. On the negative side, gym's can be expensive, you have to go regularly to make it pay, a lot of the equipment may be useless to you and most of all you have to make the effort to get there. However, if you feel self-motivated then you can start a muscle training programme right from the comfort of your own home without any expensive equipment.

In order to work out from home, some equipment is necessary, but again it does not have to be expensive. All you need are some dumbells of different weight or you can simply use water filled bottles or jugs, or even tinned goods. Other than that all you need is access to a floor.

There are a great many muscle building and toning exercises which focus on different muscle groups. Some exercises that are beneficial for getting rid of flabby arms are:

Push ups. This is a great exercise for toning the back of the arms and also building strength in the arms and shoulders. There are different variations, so start with the one that is easiest for you and build up to a more challenging variation. The only equipment you need is the floor and some folded towels placed under your knees for comfort.
Tricep dips. This is done by leaning your hands on some type of ledge like a window sill, table or seat of chair and using your body weight to dip your body by bending at the elbows.
Dumbbell exercises. There are various exercises you can do with dumbells, or if you do not have then use filled water bottles. An example is to hold one dumbell which you hold with both hands behind your head and lift the dumbell up and down. You will certainly feel this in your triceps.

These are just a few examples of the many exercises that can be done to get rid of flabby arms. If you're interested in learning more about how to get rid of flabby arms, then please visit my Get Rid Of Flabby Arms website for a complete program. You can also work on other problem areas such as bellies, butts and thighs at the same time.

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