Huge in a hurry - Chad Waterbury

Huge in a hurry - Chad Waterbury

First off I want to apologize to all the visitors and subscribers of muscle monsters. I have been in the process of moving back across the country, but I am back now and ready to get on the ball. Ok, so basically I want to touch on a book I recently read. The book is by Chad Waterbury and is called “Huge in a Hurry”. The book is a guide to do exactly that, get you huge in a hurry. In “Huge in a Hurry” Chad goes against a lot of the popular beliefs in the fitness industry and introduces a new approach to getting huge fast.

The well thought out program in the book is in my opinion phenomenal. What I thought was so great was the fact that it is geared towards anyone from beginners, hardgainers, to bodybuilders and fitness pros. In a nutshell, the “huge in a hurry” program will make you bigger, stronger, and leaner by working out less. Yes, I know…..of course now you’re like “this is complete bull”. Fact is, Chad explains in great detail why and how this is possible. Like any other program that works, there is a diet routine. The diet routine in Chad’s program is simple and easy to follow and doesn’t include eating like a monster and feeling full and sluggish all day long.

The workout area is broken down into 12 weeks. The workouts are all laid out for you , and he even explains how to calculate what weight is best for each individual. Chad’s approach with “huge in a hurry” is similar to some full body workouts you have heard of but has its own twist and it changes weekly.

Bottom line is this; “Huge in a hurry” is very simple to follow no matter your experience with diet and fitness. It goes against lots of the basic rules you have learned or followed but Chad does not just throw out opinions. He explains in great detail why his theory is correct and let me be the first to tell you, it makes a lot of sense and has changed my way of thinking and training. I highly recommend this book to anyone trying to get bigger, faster, or leaner. I would agree with Chad when he says you could gain about 10 pounds of muscle in a 12 week period when following the program. Lean muscle mass, meaning dropping body fat and gaining muscle mass along with improving your cardiovascular.
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