3 Important muscle building rules for guys and girls (Hardgainers)

3 Important muscle building rules for guys and girls (Hardgainers)

Why can't us skinny guys ever gain weight? There may be many reasons for why us skinny guys cannot gain weight. Obviously if your mom and dad were skinny at your age you probably will be too. This is the genetics explanation, or if your parents were not very skinny at your age then your weight can be blamed on a fast metabolism. The rules I am about to explain are the same no matter what program you go into.
1. Watch for misleading information - the reason most muscle building programs don't work.

Before you look into finding a program you can follow to help gain weight, I would look at a couple of things. Foremost, look at the actual trainer promoting the program, and look at his background or how he/she got started. If he/she was fat and lost weight to gain muscle, obviously their programs diet and exercise regimens will be backwards for you and not work.

2. When you actually work out.

The biggest thing most skinny guys and girls will do when they are desperate to gain weight they will workout long and hard everyday, or think they have to work out longer than people who are already bigger. This is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing! The more skinny you are, the LESS you should be working out, and the more REST you need! The goal of going to the gym is to stimulate muscle growth, this happens in a very short time period and muscle is build while you are resting!

3. Intensity is key.

While you work out, you should be focused on getting in your reps and getting out fast. After being in the gym for a few hours your body begins to suppress hormones that actually build up muscle. Also keep each body part limited to 2 different excises. Workouts that work on different angles of your arms or legs are designed to only help maintain the weak parts of your body after your body's muscles have grown and matured. While doing all this you should not be in the gym longer than 1 hour!

Is there something I can do? Contrary to popular belief, gaining weight is much harder to do in my opinion than to lose weight. Being naturally thin makes building a impressive body takes incredible persistence and determination! For other information crucial to your success of gaining weight can be found here at http://www.FastMuscle.info

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_A_Yates
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