Skinny to muscle with 3 simple steps

Skinny to muscle with 3 simple steps

healthy living

As a hardgainer myself, I know that there is nothing more stressful than putting in time at the gym and getting little to no results. The first thing we (hardgainers) need to realize is that our bodies do not create muscle as fast as most. Also, our metabolism is so fast that it makes it incredibly hard to gain weight. With that being said, it is obvious we have to take a different approach when trying to put on muscle mass or gain weight. You see, the average person only requires about 12 times their body weight in calories to pack on mass, us hardgainers require double the amount.
If you are struggling with gaining weight, let me give you 3 simple steps you can follow to pack on pounds of muscle.
Gain weight fast step 1- Hardgainer diet
There are two different approaches we can take to put on mass. The first and more common one for hardgainers is the “6 meal a day plan”. This plan requires you to consume 24 times your body weight in calories (your weight multiplied by 24 = daily caloric intake). You can break each meal down however you would like as long as you’re reaching the proper amount of calories. Calories should be broken down into 50 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 20 percent fats.
The second approach is the “4 meal a day plan”. This plan is created for hardgainers in order to slow down the body’s metabolism. Instead of keeping the metabolism working by consuming food all day (6 meal a day plan), it makes the metabolism work less and eventually causes it to slow down. With the ”4 meal a day plan” you can consume 20 times your body weight in calories instead of 24. It basically just breaks down into 4 large meals as appose to 6 smaller meals. The percentage of each calorie type should be the same as the “6 meal a day plan”.
1st approach
-6 meals a day
-24 x Body weight= Daily calories
-50 percent carbs, 30 percent protein, 20 percent fat
2nd approach
-4 meals a day
-20 x Body weight = Daily calories
-50 percent carbs, 30 percent protein, 20 percent fat
Gain weight fast step 2-Proper workouts
While most weight lifters get by with working out specific muscle groups and performing isolation exercises, hardgainers do not have the luxury. Although muscle group and isolation workouts can be effective, compound and full body workouts are more beneficial to our body type. Compound exercises are workouts that target more then one muscle group per exercise. These exercises are known for their ability to build overall muscle mass and are essential when packing on pounds for skinny guys.
Focus on these top mass building workouts
-Bench press
-Chin ups/pull ups
-Military press
-Bent over rows
Gain weight fast step 3-Rest
Being skinny and seeing little results can easily cause anyone to put in extra time in the gym. In this case, more is not better. Proper rest is crucial for smaller guys, without rest, we will not grow. Working out about 4 days a week should be perfect when trying to gain weight for skinny hardgainers. Because our metabolism is so fast, we naturally burn through calories at a high speed. If we are working out 5-6 days a week we are not resting the muscle enough for it to grow and we are burning extra calories. I recommend working out every other day for best results. Not only is resting the muscle in between workouts important, but without proper sleep we can not maximize muscle growth. Our body actually does most of its “muscle building” while we are in deep sleep. On top of resting every other day, try to get at least 8 hours of high quality sleep every night.
From skinny to muscle
Take a different approach and notice incredible size gains in no time. Eat the proper amount, do the right workouts, and get the proper amount of rest. These 3 steps are the key to gaining muscle mass for hardgainers.

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Ronald Robinson said...

If You want to gain weight fast you have to eat right to gain weight! You have to focus on the crucial yet misunderstood element to gain weight.

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