Top 5 reasons your abs are not showing

Top 5 reasons your abs are not showing

World Games 2005

Unless you are genetically gifted in this area, six pack abs may possibly be the hardest thing to earn when it comes to bodybuilding. Is it hard to get your six pack to show? Or are we just going about it the wrong way? Although I don’t think there is really a simple way to get a defined abdominal region, I do think that the main reason is all the misconceptions we have been bombarded with by main stream muscle magazines. If you want to get defined abs, I suggest you use this list as a guide to making sure you are going about it the right way. So without further ado, here are the top 5 reasons your abs are not showing.
Improper rest
Abs are just like any other muscle, they need to be rested in order to grow. Working abs 2-3 times a week is ideal when trying to get a defined six pack. Over training your abs will not make them look better.
Avoiding fatty foods
Eating fat does not
always make you fat. Believe it or not, there are good fats that will help you burn the fat off of your abdominal region to reveal your six pack. Some of these good fats can be found in peanut butter, olive oil, avocados, fish, and other non saturated fats. These types of fats are essential when building great abs.
Focusing too much on ab workouts
Are ab workouts effective? I have read so many things about ab workouts being absolutely unnecessary. I disagree; I think ab workouts can and will be effective. The mistake most of us are making is simply focusing too much on ab workouts. What we must understand is, no matter how many crunches we do, our abs will never show unless we burn the fat off of the stomach area. Ab workouts will absolutely not reduce belly fat. Instead of working abs 5 days a week, focus more on fat burning exercises. Cardio, circuit training, and plyometrics are just a few of the fat burning workouts you can do.
Eating too little
Some people actually do understand that the abs will not show up until the fat is burned. Those people may actually be working out properly. The mistake is made in the diet, they figure if they eat less, they loose fat. Wrong! If you are eating too little, your metabolism slows down. As your metabolism slows down, your body will naturally store calories as fat much quicker. The key is to eat more meals in smaller portions to speed up the metabolism.
Relying on fancy equipment
Research shows that most of those ab machines you find in your gym are actually dangerous for your lower back. You can perform safer and more effective abdominal workouts from home with no equipment. Research has also shown that expensive ab workout products like the “ab circle pro” that sells for $199.99 is less effective than a basic ab wheel that sells for $10.
Whether your six pack remains unnoticeable due to all 5 reasons or just 1, making that small change can make a huge difference. So start resting more, consume the proper fats, focus more on fat burning workouts, eat better, and stick to the basics by avoiding fancy equipment. If you are making any of these mistakes, use this list as a guide to getting those washboard abs you have always dreamed about.
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