Bodybuilding Exercises For Biceps That Rip Shirts

Bodybuilding Exercises For Biceps That Rip Shirts

I don't know about you, but before I started lifting, I always wanted arms that stretched the sleeves of my polos. That was basically my visual goal for my arms for a long time, plus on top of that, my girlfriend at the time said she liked big arms, so that added some motivation.

We all have that picture as a kid with no shirt on and bird chests, flexing our arms with a huge smile like we were on stage and had just won a competition. Since then, we've been taught that big arms are a staple to bodybuilding success.

I see more guys in the gym pounding away at bicep curls than just about any other exercise besides the bench press.

I have really stubborn arms for some reason, but I've managed to pack on some inches, so I'm here to show you 3 great bodybuilding exercises for your arms to get past even the most resistant biceps.
To build full biceps, you must work on the short head and the long head. The long head mainly responsible for bring your hand to your shoulder, while the short head is responsible for turning your wrist over.

1. Chin Up
Get a pull up bar and grip it with your palms facing you
-Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar
-Lower yourself and curl back up
-Imagine yourself doing a curl with a straight bar to focus on your biceps
-This is a great bicep exercise because it is a compound exercise that targets your entire bicep, your shoulder, and your back. It's a good exercise to throw in at the end of a bicep workout to really drive it home.

2. EZ Bar Curls - Close Grip, Mid-Grip, Wide Grip
Start with a close grip (grip less than shoulder width) and perform a set of curls on the EZ bar
-Rest 30 secs
-Start with a mid grip (grip exactly shoulder width) and perform a set of curls on the EZ bar
-Rest 30 secs
-Start with a wide grip (grip wider than shoulder width) and perform a set of curls on the EZ bar
-Rest 1 min and repeat
-Make sure you don't curl the weight in too far and relieve the tension on your biceps, nor should you rest your arms in the down position
This is one of my favorite bicep workouts and gets faster results than anything I've tried before. Simply because this workout completely deplenishes any glycogen in your biceps, it targets both long head and short head with the variety of grips. This one exercise is ALL you need to do on your bicep day to have a full workout.

3. Incline Bench Bicep Curls
Lay your back on an incline bench at about 45 degrees
-Grab appropriate dumb bells in each hand
-Perform a regular curl and stop just beyond the point when your lower arm and upper arm are 90 degrees to make sure you keep tension on your biceps
Again, another great burning and glycogen depleting workout. This works so well because you can't "rock" or use your abs or any other muscle to support the motion. It's all arms, which makes it a great bicep workout.

I'm sure you can think of 5000 other bicep workouts but I don't have that much room in my article.

I've used these bicep exercises over the years to great success. I'm sure you'll find them to be great also. Remember to do exercises that focus on the entire bicep, not just the short head which is the most visible.

Get more bodybuilding exercises that include videos, tips, and explanations at my website below.

Until next time, Happy Lifting!

Mitchell is the author of Fit With Mitch, a website dedicated to the beginner that wants to build muscle through weight training - the right way. You can find more great bodybuilding exercises at his website

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