Working out can help you land a better job

Working out can help you land a better job

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Look better, feel better, be better
Self confidence could be the difference between achieving goals and hiding behind the fear of failure. Confident people are much more likely to succeed in this game we call life. Although there are numerous factors that will determine your confidence levels, I think that working out could possibly be the key to a new and better you.
-Physical Appearance
-Accomplishing positive goals
Physical appearance
People who are out of shape are more likely to feel insecure and less energetic
. As shallow as it may seem, confidence in us humans is usually driven by how attractive we feel. People who are not physically fit tend to feel less attractive than those of us who live a healthier lifestyle. Being insecure about your physical appearance can very well cause you to be less social and less likely to be the best candidate for the job.
Not only do you feel great about how you look, you feel even better about…well…the way you feel. Feeling good about your physical appearance is a great step to building confidence, but feeling energized from working out will help others around you feel your confidence. Having energy will allow you to add a little “pep in your step”. People can usually tell how confident others are by the way they walk and their posture. Having no energy will cause you to walk slowly, drag your feet, and slump your shoulders. With the energy you will build from transitioning to a healthier lifestyle, you will naturally walk faster. Making yourself look and feel more important is a huge confidence booster.
The way you carry yourself has a lot to do with how you feel and how others will assume you feel. For example, if you are walking around with your shoulders slumped and your head down, it is safe to say there is little to no confidence present. If you are walking fast with your head up and making eye contact with others, it gives off the vibe of importance and empowerment. What a lot of people don’t realize is, working out is a great way to improve posture. Not only will you naturally achieve better posture from the extra energy, but certain workouts will actually target sections of your body that have a lot to do with your posture.
A big part of your posture comes from your posterior chain. Activating the gluteus maximus or buttocks will benefit the posterior chain which in turn will create better posture. Here are a few exercises you can add to your routine to build better posture.
-Supine bridges
-Hip flexor stretch
-Kneeling squats and
-Mule kicks
Accomplishing something positive
When working out, we all have something we call “fitness goals”. A big part of being confident is having that “I can do it” attitude. Setting fitness goals and accomplishing those goals will allow you to feel on top of the world. Accomplishing these fitness goals will have you feeling confident and unstoppable. Knowing that you can do anything that you put your mind too will make you feel more valuable to employers. The bigger the goals you achieve, the bigger the confidence boost. Believe me people, there is no feeling like reaching goals (personal or fitness) that you have set.
Working out can land you a better job
Self confidence is the key to great success, and working out and living a healthier lifestyle is the key to self confidence. With just a few hours a week in the gym or at home exercising, you can make a world of a difference in yourself and your over all life. Look better, feel better, be better.

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Eyden said...

When you workout and accomplish something physically, it makes you feel like you can accomplish other things in life as well.

Whether that means going to the bar and hitting on chicks, meeting new people, or getting a job, it's all good things.

When I workout, it's that much easier to talk to people. Whether I am at the convenient store, or cashing a check.

It's a good feeling man.

and it's funny because when i actually say, "hey how's it going?" and actually mean it, people are quite surprised, because I will actually ask them about their day.

working out is a big part of my life. it should be a big part of everyone's.

good post dude. :0

MuscleMonsters said...

Thanks Taylor! I completely agree, and this is why i wrote this post. Before i started working out i was active but not social. Once i got bigger and started feeling the energy and getting the compliments, my confidence raised and now im a different, more sociable and energetic person all around.

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