Very good question reffering to the "Eat and Rest" Post

Very good question reffering to the "Eat and Rest" Post

david said...
I got a pretty fatty midsection, im tryin to lose the fat and get big at the same time. is this blog entry still for me or should i eat a lot less cuz i got more fat that my body can use?

I thought that was a great questions. The answer is YES, this blog is for you.
Try to eat 5 to 6 meals a day of decent portions of high protein, this will speed up your metabolism. I recommend egg whites, chicken breast, fish , and lean meats. For carbs, you want to eat whole wheat bread instead of white, brown rice instead of white, wheat pasta instead of regular, and oatmeal. Very low fats! You want to eat LOTS of protein because your body does not store it, so you will not gain fat from it. Plus your body will use the protein for energy which will help with your workouts. You want to eat the good carbs to be able to feed the muscle and give your body energy but you dont want to eat more then your body will use because your body will store it as fat.Also, i suggest eating 2 or 3 egg whites at night that way your body has protein to feed your muscle while your sleep so your body stays anabolic. Again, protein before bed is OK because it will not be stored.
Thanks David for the great question.
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Unknown said...

thanks a lot man. this is an awesome site.

MuscleMonsters said...

Thanks man, if you have any other questions feel free to comment or email me directly at The name is Alby

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