
Benefits of a 3 Day Workout Routine

Model Released: Man''s torso (Photo by Mike Powell/Getty Images)

Have you ever wondered why the 3 day workout routine is rated as one of the best bodybuilding workouts? Do you want to know why 3 day workout routines are regarded as the bodybuilding routines that work? Too often we go into the gym and just start following a program in the hope that within a short while we will look like a fitness model. We blindly assume that opening a muscle magazine and picking their best bodybuilding workouts will lead us to the body of our dreams. In order to really find bodybuilding routines that work we need to understand what goes on behind the scenes. In particular the hidden advantage of the 3 day workout routine.
Let us assume you train on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The little known trick of the 3 day workout routine that makes it one of the best bodybuilding workouts and probably one of the few bodybuilding routines that work is what happens on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Recovery! The main ingredient in a 3day workout routine. That is right! What happens outside the gym is much more important than what happens inside. Muscles grow when they rest, not when they train.

Next time you open the latest muscle magazine and check out their brand new super routine that is promised to be the best bodybuilding workouts you have ever seen. Take a careful look at their recovery times. The beauty of a 3 day workout routine is it forces you to rest. Think about it. If training with more reps and more sets would guarantee us bodybuilding routines that work, then why not just do hundreds of sets of bench press and expect to be Hercules? The reason is quite simple. In order to maximize the benefit of a 3 day workout routine you need to balance your recovery with your intensity.

When you train your muscles and you actually want a bodybuilding routines that work, then use a 3 day workout routine and pound your muscles when you train them. Let me clarify that. I don't mean train a hundred sets and get tired, I mean stress your muscles out with heavy weight and heavy reps so that they panic! Hit your muscles with intense training during your workout routine and you have found the two real secrets of the best bodybuilding workouts. Now your 3 day routine will make absolute sense because your muscles will recruit serious growth on your off day to compensate for the intensity you are training with. Rest and Intensity in a workout gives you bodybuilding routines that work.

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Gain Weight with a Fast Metabolism - Hardgainer program

Are you finding it nearly impossible to gain weight due to fast metabolism? If you’re anything like I was, you perhaps think that because of your “skinny genes”, gaining weight is not possible, period. I had the same mind set, but only until i was introduced to a simple and effective way to pack on pounds for skinny guys like myself. I wont delay any further, here are a few simple tips that helped me on my journey to gain weight with a fast metabolism.
Proper caloric intake: Due to a fast metabolism, we burn through calories than we are actually eating. Without eating the correct number of calories, you hard work and effort will make no difference. To gain weight with a fast metabolism, you should be eating about 20-22 times your body weight in calories. Any amount less than that will simply get burned and any amount more will just end up in the wrong places. Just think, the types of foods you eat will show in your appearance.

Keep a workout log: If you are in the gym doing the same routines, with the same amount of stress (weight), your body will no longer feel the need to grow because it has adapted. You see, your body creates muscle after exhausting activity by repairing the muscle and making it bigger and stronger. My point is, it is crucial that you add strain every session and push your body to where it HAS to create new muscle.

Additional Reps
Add weight without decreasing reps
Rest less between sets
Add an extra set

Anabolism: Anabolism is the state your body is in when it’s growing and catabolism is the state in which your body does the opposite. Following a tough workout session, your body will start to feed off of your muscle tissue in order to create more fuel. This is a catabolic state where cortisol is released and creates muscle wastage, at this point you should focus on getting your body back into a growing state. Now most of you may know the importance of protein intake following your workout, but more important is the consumption of simple carbohydrates. Now I understand that in most cases these types of carbs are bad, however, immediately following a workout they can yield incredible muscle gains. "Why?" You ask, because they are fast acting and spike your insulin sending your body into anabolism.

Increasing testosterone levels: Testosterone is easily the most important hormone when it comes to building muscle. keeping your testosterone levels up will allow you to produce steroid like results. In order to get the best results, follow these steps to increase testosterone:

- Sleep 8 hours a night and if possible, sneak a nap into your day.
-Focus on big workouts that target more than one muscle group.
-Train your legs as much as you currently do your upper body.
-Raise your consumption of celery, bananas, and avocados.

Rest: Contrary to popular belief, our bodies do not create muscle in the gym while we lift heavy weights. You see, while lifting weights we are simply breaking down the muscle. Restoring and rebuilding muscle fibers takes place while we rest and most of all while we sleep. If your are someone who is in the gym lifting weights 5 days a week, your body is not resting long enough to rebuild new muscle. 3 to 4 days per week of exhausting weight lifting is more than enough. Not only will rest allow your muscles to grow, but it will allow you to be fully recovered for your next gym session.

Gain Weight with a fast metabolism:
Following these 5 simple rules, your body will yield incredible results. Eat right, keep track of your progress, keep your body anabolic, increase your muscle building hormones, and make sure to rest enough for those muscles to grow.
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How to Gain Weight Fast the Healthy Way

How to Gain Weight Fast the Healthy Way

A lot of the time when we struggle to gain weight we assume that it’s just not possible without taking some kind of supplement for assistance. The fact is, supplements should only be used as replacements in case of “emergency”. For instance, if you are in a position where it is not possible to get a real meal, a supplement may be your only option. Although they are pretty safe for the most part, they are not necessary in order to gain weight fast. Not to mention that nutrient dense foods are always a more effective option, unfortunately they aren’t always an option for some of us. For this reason I have put together a few tips to help you gain weight fast the healthy way.
Know how much you should be eating:
Using this hardgainer weight gain formula you can figure out exactly how many calories you should be taking in on a daily basis. Once you find out your personal daily caloric intake, you can then break those calories down into 6 meals. This will help give you a better idea of how many calories you should be consuming per meal. Just this simple step will make the rest of the process much easier and assure that you are not over or under eating.
Prepare your meals one week in advance:
This may sound a little crazy and unrealistic but there are a couple of ways to do this. Some people I know do not cook every night, therefore it makes sense that these people should take one day out of the week to prepare all the meals they will need for the following week. Although it may seem a little time consuming, think about all the time you will save during the week when all your meals are ready to go. If I took this approach I would basically cook up a large amount of each carbohydrate that I will be consuming (Brown Rice, Wheat Pasta, etc.). Then I would do the same with all my meats/protein (chicken, fish, ground turkey, etc.). Now you have a ton of food, simply measure out each meal and throw them in a piece of tupperware. Once this is done, you can stay away from the kitchen for a week while focusing on more important things like the GYM and staying away from unnecessary replacement meals and tempting unhealthy garbage.
If you are like me and like to cook dinner every night, there might be a better method for you (the method I use). Due to the fact that I am already in the kitchen cooking, I find it easier for me to just make enough servings to get me through the following day. Only problem I see with this approach is that it can get a little boring due to lack of variety.
Quick foods to prepare in advance:
-Hardboiled Eggs
-Sweet Potatoes
-Mixed Vegetables
How to Gain Weight Fast the Healthy way:
If you are aware of exactly how many calories your body needs on a daily basis and can manage to have nutrient dense food available at all times, gaining healthy weight fast will be no problem at all. Not having food premade can result in skipping meals, breaking a healthy diet, and relying on replacement meals and supplements. This could easily turn into the inability to gain weight, packing on pounds of unwanted fats, and sabotaging your muscle building potential.
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How to Gain Weight Fast - Most Important Muscle Building Meals

How to Gain Weight Fast

If you are anything like I was, you probably feel like gaining weight is not possible for you. That’s understandable, 40 pounds of muscle ago I felt the same way. That was until I dedicated my time to studying fitness for hardgainers/ectomorphs who find it nearly impossible to pack on pounds. I discovered a few simple steps that helped me gain weight fast and I plan on sharing them all with you. Did you know that just by simply eating certain meals at certain times, you will be able to turn your body into a muscle building, fat burning machine and gain weight practically on demand? I know how frustrating it can be to feel like an adult in a child’s body and this is why I have put together this quick guide on how to gain weight fast.
Although I am a firm believer that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, when it comes to building muscle there are a few meals you may be skipping that could potentially turn you from bony to brawny in a matter of weeks. You see, there are a few stages that come directly following an intense workout that should be fully taken advantage of in order to maximize your ability to build muscle fast.
Anabolic Stage:
This stage takes place immediately following your intense workout routine. Once your body has exhausted both stored and usable energy, it starts to create a hormone with catabolic effects called cortisol. This hormone eats away at your muscle tissue and protein in order to create more energy, your goal is to get away from this muscle wastage zone FAST. The best way to assure that you are avoiding this sabotaging effect is to consume fast acting carbohydrates along with protein directly following your workout. The fast acting carbohydrates will give your body the usable energy it requires to avoid cortisol production. The protein is needed to help rebuild /repair the muscle that was broken down at the gym. Taking in the correct post workout meal/shake will allow your body to go into an anabolic state where it continues to grow and stay away from any catabolic effects.
Growth Stage:
The growth stage takes place 1 hour following your workout and lasts about 4 hours total. This is the stage where your body will need complete nutrition. One hour following your workout you will consume an entire meal, this meal will consist of high quality protein, natural fats, and complex carbohydrates. Two hours following meal 1 in the growth stage, you will consume another meal with the same nutritional value. This is a crucial stage when it comes to building muscle, especially for us hardgainers. They call this “the growth stage” because this is in fact the time frame where your body will start to rebuild muscle in order to create new larger muscle. If you fail to fuel your body during this stage, It will simply not have enough nutrients to aid in the recovery process.
Recovery Stage:
The recovery stage takes place 1-2 hours following the growth stage. This is the stage where your body will do all the recovering and rebuilding of the broken down muscle tissue. The idea here is to consume high quality protein to assure that there is enough available to build the muscle. This meal will also consist of high natural fats in order to slow down the digestive process. This will allow your body to work for a longer period of time (including over night while you sleep) without running out of nutrients when recovering and rebuilding the muscle. The recovery stage is ideally the last 1-2 meals of the day.
How to gain weight fast
Making sure to take advantage of these three very important stages has allowed me to pack on more muscle than I ever thought possible while staying lean and ripped. As a hardgainer/ectomorph it is crucial that we take full advantage of every chance our body gives us to build muscle and gain weight. Making sure that you get the most from these three stages will help you increase muscle mass faster than you could imagine.
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Getting Lean - Quick Guide to a Ripped Beach Body

Let’s be honest, being muscular is nothing if you don’t have defined abs. Getting lean will not only give you the six pack we all want and train so hard to obtain, but it will also enhance the appearance of your muscle size. That’s right, the leaner you are, the larger your muscles will appear. I don’t care how many crunches you do, if your body fat is not in or close to single digits, your abs WILL NOT show. You see, everyone has muscle (abs), but they aren’t visible not because you’re not working them enough, but because there is a layer of fat covering them up. Make sense? On that note, here are a few tips on getting lean for more defined abs and overall muscle appearance.

1. Proper diet- Cut out all sugars, dairy, white flour, or simple carbohydrates in general. This will prevent the usual bloating and “thick skin” look that we are trying to avoid. Follow a very clean diet consisting of only complex carbohydrates, clean proteins, and natural fats.

2. Fat Burning Activity- With a clean diet, burning fat becomes much easier and more efficient. The goal when burning fat is simply to burn calories. There is no secret heart rate that magically burns fat, forget that old story. The type of fat burning activity you take part in is completely optional, here are a few options:

Traditional cardio: This type of cardio is just your standard jogging or walking on the treadmill. Typically this approach is effective for getting lean when performed for at least 45 minutes to an hour. If you are following a strenuous workout routine with traditional cardio, I’d recommend about 30 minutes.

Circuit Training: This technique is a little more intense and is usually performed for about half the time of traditional cardio. I recommend about 15-20 minutes of circuit training for best results. Unlike traditional cardio, I do not recommend this type of approach directly following an intense workout. Here is a link to a great circuit training routine you can follow.

Jog, run, jog: This is my personal favorite; it’s the best of both worlds, it can be done in little time similar to circuit training but at the same time can easily be performed directly following a high intensity workout.

How to perform jog, run, jog:
1.Start off with a jog for 1 minute.
2.At the minute mark, increase the speed to a run.
3.Run for 1 minute and decrease to a jog for the next.
4. Then repeat starting at step 2.
Try to perform about 6-10 sets of this.

3. Keep your metabolism up- It is very important that you break up your meals into 6 per day. Eating every 2.5 to 3 hours will keep your metabolism working and eventually turn your body into a fat burning machine. Not only will this aid in getting lean, but will also help to keep muscle mass by fueling your body with the proper amount of nutrients throughout the day.

A few more advanced tips to getting lean:
- Drink one gallon of water per day to avoid water retention.
- Perform your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Get the majority of your carbohydrates from vegetables.

For those of you who feel that lean is in and bulky is out, follow these few simple steps for a more ripped “fitness model” look. Getting lean is hard, but the real challenge is staying lean. Consistency is the key to success with any fitness goal you may have, every time you step out of the routine, you are only taking 2 steps backwards.
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Beginners Routine for Explosive Gains

It is very important that you have a solid routine as beginners. The reason I say this is, this is the point where your strength gains will increase most rapidly.
But what if I am not interested in strength and I am more interested in putting on size?
Let me put it to you quite simply, if you do not get stronger, your body will not grow. I don't care if you are lifting for 2 years on the best diet, if the strength doesn't increase then neither will your size. The point I am making is, as beginners you will notice the biggest increase in strength in least amount of time. So having a routine that can maximize the gains of your entire physique is extremely important. I have created a very effective full body compound workout that will not only target every muscle group, but will do so using the biggest most effective workouts.
The Beginners Routine:
The beginners routine consists of 5 different workouts and should be performed only every other day with 2 days off consecutively every two weeks.
Week 1-2
3 sets - 8 to 10 reps - 45 second between exercises.
Week 3-4
3 sets - 8 to 10 reps - 30 seconds between exercises.
Week 5-6
4 sets - 8-10 reps - 30 seconds between exercises
Week 7-8
4 sets - 8-10 reps - 15 seconds between exercises
Week 9-10
5 sets - 8-10 reps - 15 seconds between exercises
Week 10-12
5 sets - 5 reps - 15 seconds between exercises
Now, it is very important that you are lifting heavy enough weight. If you are physically capable of surpassing the amount of repetitions listed, you must increase the weight until that is not longer possible.
The beginners Routine/ The workout
1. Squats
2. Bench press
3. (Superset) Pull ups and Dips
4. Bent Over Rows
5. Military Press
Feel free to change the order of the beginners routine as you like, so long as the pull up/dip supersets remain in between the bench press and bent over rows. Also, feel free to exchange the squats with deadlifts every so often. This will keep your muscles guessing and ultimately yield greater results.
Ok, although I labeled this workout the "beginners routine", it does not mean this will only work for those who have just started weight training. This routine works great for anyone from beginners to experts and is very effective for both.
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Hardgainer Routine for Women to Gain Weight Fast

Hardgainer Routine for Women to Gain Weight Fast

Being a hardgainer is hard work as is, imagine being a female who finds it nearly impossible to put on muscle. Not only do they feel a disadvantage because they are “hardgainers”, but the fact that they do not produce testosterone nearly as much as males makes it even that much more difficult. Do not be discouraged ladies; I have great news for you! Not only is it possible to pack on pounds of muscle while not looking “bulky”, but it’s as simple as making 3 small but effective changes in your routine. You see, just like male hardgainers, the main mistake we are making is following other bodybuilding routines that are not meant for out specific body type.
How to eat to gain weight for women:
There is a specific amount one should be consuming to assure weight/muscle gain. In the average woman it is usually about 12-14 times the body weight of the individual in calories. As a hardgainer that amount increases slightly. For a female hardgainer the amount of calories consumed should be anywhere from 16-18 times the body weight.
For example: 18 x 115lbs = 2070 calories per day.
The amount you multiply with your body weight will be determined by your daily physical activity. For instance, if you are a nurse who is constantly walking back and forth all day for hours at a time, you may want to use 17-18. However, if you sit at a desk all day with little physical activity, I would recommend using 16 in order to avoid unwanted fat storage.
How to workout/exercise to gain weight for women:
A huge misconception in female weight lifting is that following a man’s routine will yield man like results. The reason this is inaccurate is because as I mentioned earlier, women do not produce muscle building hormones like testosterone nearly as much as men. This is why I simply recommend a full body compound workout routine that will allow women to build muscle faster while burning fat at the same time.
Hardgainer Workout Routine for Women:
Squats 3 x 10
Bent Over Rows 3 x 10
Bench Press 3 x 10
Military Press 3 x 10
As you become more comfortable with the workout routine I would advise that you increase the amount of sets from 3 to 4 and eventually from 4 to 5. Remember, this is progressively and should be taken slowly for best results. You should also focus on increase weight without sacrificing repetitions to assure strength gains. This routine should be performed 3-4 days a week with 24 -48 hours rest in between each session.
No rest, no progress:
If you fail to get the proper amount of rest you will be doing your body a serious injustice. Not only will you eliminate any chance of building muscle, but you will also be unable to perform 100 percent in the gym. If you cannot give a better performance in the gym than your last session, you’re working backwards. Be sure to rest 24-48 hours in between each training day as well as getting 8-9 hours of quality sleep every night. You see, our muscles grow as they rebuild while we rest, without enough rest to rebuild we will never see any significant muscle gains.
Hardgainer routine for women to gain weight fast:
Building muscle for women who are also hardgainers is not impossible by any means; it simply takes a different approach. Make sure you are consuming enough calories for your body type without going overboard, follow a lifting routine that focuses on compound movements, and be sure to get enough rest. Following this advice will allow you to gain weight on a weekly basis without putting on any unwanted fat.
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Hardgainer Routine for Increased Muscle Size Fast

Hardgainer Routine for Increased Muscle Size Fast

As a hardgainer, it’s safe to say that the number one priority when strength training is to increase muscle size. The best way to achieve this goal is to target a type of muscular hypertrophy called sarcoplasmic. This type of hypertrophy increases the volume of sarcoplasmic fluid in the muscle cell causing increase in muscle size. The only difference between gaining size and gaining strength is the rep range in which you train. Now, you may have heard over the years that low weight with high reps increase definition and heavy weight with low reps increase size. This theory is a load of crap to say the least. Lifting heavy with low repletion targets a muscular hypertrophy called myofibrillar which increases mainly strength and density. The only factors that you should consider when trying to build muscle definition are lower body fat and increased density. With that being said, that old theory I mentioned has it completely backwards.
What is the rep range for building muscle size?
The rep range that targets sarcoplasmic hypertrophy to increase muscle size is generally 12 or more. The idea is not to lift light weight and pump out 20 reps no problem. The idea should be to lift heavy and still be able to squeeze out atleast 12 reps. If you can somehow manage to push for 15, that would work fine as well as long as your aren’t lifting too light. The more traditional way to calculate what weight would work well for you is to calculate how much 65% of your one rep max would be.
For example: Your one rep maximum bench press is 225.
65% of 225 is about 146. This would give you a great idea as to how heavy you should be lifting in order to trigger sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.
The type of exercise routine you follow is equally as important as the rep range you use. If you are a beginner or advanced lifter who is looking for a great full body workout for explosive results, check out my personal hardgainer routine.
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Build Legs for a Massive Upper Body?

What if I told you that if you build legs, you would maximize the potential of increasing overall muscle size? You would probably laugh, think I’m crazy, close this article, and go back to the gym to get minimal results. Fact is, building legs is more than just keeping a proportioned lower body in comparison to your upper body. So, for those not interested in the appearance of bigger quads, hamstrings, and calves, you might still want to pay attention. If you choose not to, you could be doing yourself and your body a serious injustice. Now, are you ready to find out how building legs will help produce a massive upper body?
Compound movements
If you know anything about bodybuilding, you know that compound movements are the foundation to building bigger and stronger muscles. So what compound movements are necessary to build legs? None other than the largest, most effective muscle building workout known to man…..the mighty squat. No matter what you read, where you read it, squats will always be listed as the number one mass building workout, period.” What is the second” you ask, the deadlift, that’s right! Another leg exercise that you should never leave out of your leg routine, ever. So what do these big lower body compound movements have to do with building an upper body? It is simple, although the main focal point of these workouts is to build legs, they are compound exercises that also target some areas of the upper body in a big way.
Increasing GH levels for rapid fat burn
Still not convinced to build legs? What if I told you that building legs would increase GH levels naturally and rapidly? You see, big compound movements not only target the upper body, but they help produce certain hormones (GH) that will turn your body into a fat burning machine, keep you looking and feeling younger, increase strength and endurance, and build muscle mass.
Producing the “mother of all muscle building hormones” – Testosterone
If you weren’t convinced to build legs after the first 2 points, then surely number 3 will seal the deal. Increasing testosterone levels naturally can result is steroid like results without the negative side effects. I mean, this is a hormone that people pay hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars to increase with sketchy pills that label horrible side effects. Not only can you increase your testosterone levels naturally and without negative side effects, but you can do it free of cost. When it comes to building stronger and harder muscles, no other hormone holds a candle to the all mighty testosterone.
Now, Build legs!
By now you should no longer be reading, instead you should be up and on your way to the gym on a mission to build legs. Yes, building a big upper body without working legs is possible. But building a massive upper body at an alarming rate while burning fat, benefiting from increased muscle endurance, and explosive strength gains without working legs is impossible.
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Exercises with Resistance Bands - Home Workout Routine

Exercises with resistance bands are great for those who have limited time, are at home, or have a limited budget. Not only is resistance band training conveniant, but it is also extremely beneficial. Depending on the resistance level you are working with, when you pull against the band, your muscles will work hard to stretch it (the resistance band) out. It's proven to build muscle strength and definition.
Here are a few of my personal favorite exercises with resistance bands:

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Building Shoulders - Deltoid Exercises

One of the most commonly neglected muscle groups following calves and forearms, definitely have to be the shoulders or deltoids. What most people fail to realize is that building shoulders could very well be the most essential part of building your upper body, period. The reason I say this is, the shoulders or deltoids are used in various types of upper body strength movements. Not to mention, building shoulders makes your waist appear smaller and your upper body look larger. Now you can see how proper deltoid exercises can improve strength and physical appearance.
There are three separate muscle heads that make up the shoulder. In order to build well proportioned shoulders, one must target each deltoid head in their workouts.
What are the three deltoid heads?
-Front deltoid
-Side deltoid
-Rear deltoid
Front deltoid exercises: The front shoulder head is typically the strongest of the three. When it comes to building shoulders, front deltoids should be the focal point. Exercises such as military press and standard shoulder press are ideal when building shoulders due to the compound movements. These two front deltoid exercises are the primary mass builders for the entire muscle group.
Side deltoid exercises: The side deltoid is important for size appearance because it adds width to the shoulders. Although this shoulder head is targeted a little during the shoulder press, it is important to isolate this muscle head in order to maximize results. Generally the side deltoid is targeted with “side laterals”, these can be performed with dumbbells or a cable machine.
Rear deltoid exercises: The rear deltoid is the most overlooked shoulder head of the three but is just as important. Isolating the rear deltoids is crucial when building shoulders, if overlooked, you will develop unproportioned deltoids. This muscle head can be worked by performing rear raises with dumbbells.
Building shoulders – Important or not?
Interested in increasing your bench press and improving your physique drastically? Integrate shoulder isolation routines into your current workout regimen and get a much fuller, wider, and attractive upper body. Not to mention incredible strength gains in very important movements such as the bench press. Because the shoulders are secondary when targeting other muscle groups, isolating the shoulders about once a week should be more than enough.
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How to get bigger buttocks

One of the most common questions I get from my female readers is in regards to “how to get bigger buttocks”. Most are concerned that it may not be possible and others are simply interested in workout suggestions. The truth is, if you are wondering how to get bigger buttocks, it is going to take a little more than butt exercises to give you the booty of your dreams. The good news is, contrary to popular belief, getting bigger buttocks is absolutely possible without putting on pounds of unneeded fat. I am now going to share with you 3 points you must focus on in order to get the plump, round butt you are looking for.
Tip #1 on how to get bigger buttocks – Diet should be the focal point to any program, whether it be losing weight, gaining weight, packing on muscle, or getting a bigger butt. Focus on following a healthy diet and eating every 2-3 hours (6 meals a day) to give yourself a “curvy” look while maintaining a high metabolism. This will in turn make your booty appear larger and give it more shape. Some foods you can should eat in order to get a bigger buttocks include:
Red apples
Lean meats
Whole wheat pasta and bread
Tip #2 on how to get bigger buttocks – Weight training is also very important when trying to get a bigger butt. The gluteus maximus (buttocks) is the largest muscle in the body. Although proper diet is most important, you cannot get maximum results without the proper workouts. Some of the workouts you should perform include:
Leg presses
Kickbacks/ hip extensions
Tip #3 on how to get bigger buttocks – Lastly, fitness training is very important when trying to get a bigger butt. I recommend taking part in fitness training about 2-3 days a week. Some activities you should participate in include:
Kick boxing
Stair stepper
Walking on a treadmill (On an incline)
These are some tips on how to get a bigger butt. If you're serious about getting a bigger booty, make sure you use the tips above. It will help you get a booty that guys will love.
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Tribol 60 by Thai Labz - Muscle Building Supplement

Lately I have been hearing a lot of hype about a pro hormone that was recently re released called Tribol 60. This product is made by a company called Thai Labz and claims to produce massive pumps, incredible hardness, and super strength. Tribol 60 is not typically the type of supplement I would experiment with so with that being said, I will be sharing some reviews from actual users of this product.
Tribol 60 contents include:
2a, 17a-Dimenthyl-17B-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one (20mg)
2a, 3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-andro-stan-17b-ol (5mg)
13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2, 5 (10)-dien-17-one (35mg)
The Tribol 60 bottle includes a warning label that states " Not for use of anyone under the age of 18 or by women"
It also includes that proper PCT and liver support supplementation are recommended.
Tribol 60 by Thai Labz suggest 2 capsules per day, one in the morning and the other 30-45 minutes prior to your workout.
What are users saying about Thai labz Tribol 60:
BakerFX4 said: Man... this (tribol 60) will get you swole. My bro has been on that (tribol 60) for 2 weeks and went from 194-195 to 209 and so rounded. His traps and arms have BLOWN up!
Jason of Las vegas said: " Best supplement I have ever taken, i gained about 3 pounds per week and my body fat dropped almost 2 percent. Pumps in the gym were amazing! "
Franklin of New Jersey said: "I am on week 2 and have already put on 8 pounds. This stuff is definately going to get pulled off the shelves soon. Only bad thing was that im starting to get horrible headaches."
GingerLiftz423 said: "First two weeks i felt absolutely nothing, some small gains. By week 3 i was getting incredible pumps in the gym, bench went up about 20 pounds and i put on about 5 pounds. Not to mention i am looking a little leaner and i ahvent changed my diet at all. I have noticed a decrease in libido which kinda sux."
So is this muscle building supplement worth the 50-70 dollars? From the reviews I have come across, it definitely looks promising. Tribol 60 seems to be a great product for anyone who wants to bulk up, decrease body fat, and increase strength. As for the negative side effects, they dont seem too bad (i guess) but at the end of the day, side effects from supplements are going to be case by case. Not everyone will react the same way to the certain supplements.
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Build Forearms Fast - Hardgainer's Guide

I just recently decided that I wanted to build forearms. Since most workouts target them, I guess I figured I used them enough throughout the week to skip total forearm workouts. Bad move, while all the muscle groups are getting full stimulation, neglecting them could make it impossible to build forearms. The good thing is, since they are a small muscle and already being used regularly, you won’t have to perform total isolation workouts more than once or twice a week to build forearms.

Not really worried about good looking forearms?
That’s fine; forearms are used for a lot more than just looking good in shirts that cover the biceps. Choosing to build forearms will actually aid in other areas of lifting.
For example: Did you know that having stronger forearms can actually help increase your bench press? Interested in building bigger and stronger forearms now?
Build Forearms Fast
-Barbell wrist curls: Palm up
-Reverse barbell wrist curls: Palm down
-One handed dumbbell wrist curls: Palms up
-One handed reverse dumbbell wrist curls: Palms down
-Reverse barbell wrist curls /behind the back: Palms up

Isolation workouts to build forearms fast
Because forearms are a small muscle and used during most workouts, you won’t have to focus on them for too long. Two to three exercises with four sets each should be enough. To get the entire muscle, make sure to perform one palm up and one palm down exercise.

Sample routines
1. Barbell wrist curls (4x10)
2. One handed reverse dumbbell wrist curls (4x10)
1. Reverse barbell wrist curls/ behind the back (4x10)
2. One handed dumbbell wrist curls (4x10)
3. One handed reverse dumbbell wrist curls (2x10)
4. Barbell wrist curls (2x10)

Super set variations
(Super set to get a great pump)

1. Barbell wrist curls / Reverse barbell wrist curls (4x10)

1. One handed dumbbell wrist curls / one handed reverse dumbbell wrist curls (4x10)
These isolation workout variations or anything similar will be sufficient to build forearms fast. It is a small price to pay for increasing forearm size, strength, and assisting you in other areas of lifting. Once or twice a week, 2-3 different workouts, four sets each, and you are on your way.
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USP Jack3d Side Effects

I recently put up a post on usp jack3d reviews and I have been getting tons of emails with questions regarding the supplement. For the simple fact that it would be impossible for me to address every single one individually, I decided to do one general post toward the main question about jack3d that I didn’t touch too much on in my usp jack3d reviews post. So what is everyone concerned about with usp jack3d? Of course! They want to know about the jack3d side effects.
USP Jack3d Side Effect
-(AAKG) If you are diabetic, beware that you may have some gastrointestinal issues.
-(Creatine)No documented side effects in the creatine
-(Beta alanine) The “tingles”, a pin-prickly, flushing feeling you might get on your skin after using it.
-(Caffeine) If you use more than 3 scoops or consume more caffeine throughout the day, you may experience some side effects such as, restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushing of the face, increased urination, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, a rambling flow of thought and speech, irritability, and irregular or rapid heartbeat.
- ( 1,3 Dimethylamylamine) It is fine in correct doses and can cause some side effects if too much is consumed . Side effects include: headache, lightheadedness, and “snappy” mood.
Jack3d Side Effects Conclusion
At the end of the day, if taken properly, usp jack3d side effects are nothing to be worried about. The worse side effect listed in all actuality would be the “tingles” that come from the beta alanine. I personally am not a huge believer in supplements to enhance your gym performance but I can say that I have tried usp jack3d once before and didn’t not experience any nevgative side effects.
So there you have it, usp jack3d side effects. I hope I was able to help you make a well informed decision on whether or not this product is for you. If you are curious to see what other users are saying about this product, check out my usp jack3d reviews post.

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Boxing routine for six pack abs

So today I want to put something fun together for all my readers who are interested in cutting fat. This is a 100 percent original circuit training routine that I created myself after getting bored with all the others. The others usually consisted of different bodyweight exercises such as squats, pushups, etc. This new boxing routine I am going to share is much more fun, it consists of shadow boxing, jumping rope, and other activities you might find more fulfilling.
How to perform the boxing routine:
This boxing routine is performed in a circuit. It will include six different exercises which you will perform for 20 seconds with only 15 seconds of rest in between. Once you have completed the last exercise in the boxing routine, you will rest for one minute and then repeat. The goal is to burn as many calories as you can and increase your physical conditioning by completing the circuit as many times as possible. As your conditioning increases using this boxing routine, you can cut the rest in between exercises down to 10 seconds to challenge yourself further.
All the exercises listed should be performed at a high pace in order to maximize results.
Boxing routine:
Shadow boxing- Dance around and throw punches as if you were in the ring with an opponent. Whether you are a pro boxer, boxer in training, or just someone looking for a fun way to burn fat, this is a great way to burn calories and get that heart rate up.
(Rest 10-15 seconds)
Jump rope- For beginners, jumping rope may be a little difficult to do without tripping over the rope a bit. Feel free to jump rope with an imaginary rope until you feel comfortable enough to jump with a physical rope at a high speed.
(Rest 10-15 seconds)
High Knees- This exercise should be performed at a high pace.
(Rest 10-15 seconds)
Crunches- Focus on performing as many crunches/sit ups as possible in your 20 second window. This will also help in strengthening your core.
(Rest 10-15 seconds)
Bobbing and weaving- Standing in a traditional fight stance with one foot in front planted on the floor and the other behind you on your toes with your knees slightly bent, dip down using just your knees and come up toward the right then repeat and come up toward the left.
(Rest 10-15 seconds)
Bag training- Pound away at the heavy bag with combinations for the last 20 seconds.
(Rest 1 minute)

If you do not have a heavy bag available I recommend adding an extra jump rope session.
The bobbing and weaving section can easily be replaced with a second round of shadow boxing.
The boxing routine for six pack abs:
What makes the boxing routine circuit so beneficial is a number of things. First of all, it can be performed from home with little to no equipment in just about 15 minutes or so. Second, you are using your muscles and unlike long slow pace cardio, you are not burning through your muscle tissue. In fact, you will not only burn fat but you will also put on some solid muscle in the process. There is one way and one way only to get the six pack abs of your dreams, and that is by cutting your overall body fat, period.
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Hardgainer Routine - 3 Day Split to Gain Muscle Mass

BAGRAM AIR BASE, AGHANISTAN - SEPTEMBER 2:  U.S. Army Specialist Jason Allenbaugh of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania spots Staff Sgt. Max Barnum of St. George, Utah lifing weights in a hanger September 2, 2002 at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan.  Both soldiers are in the 82nd Airborne Division out of Ft. Bragg, North Carolina.  Life on Bagram continues for thousands of troops who are serving duty in the ongoing war on terrorism.  (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)

If you're searching for a great hardgainer routine for building muscle size, then I've got a great one for you. There are lots of programs around, particularly with the net, that it can be super easy to get baffled about what works, who to listen to, what number of sets to do, how many reps, how long to rest, the list goes on and on. This system has worked magic for hundreds and probably thousands of weight trainers and bodybuilders alike in both building muscle and gaining strength. No matter how long and how fast bodybuilding will grow, the 5x5 system will ALWAYS be a proven method to stack on gains like nothing else.
Here is the entire hardgainer routine for building mass you can follow:


1) Heavy Barbell Squats
2) Bench Press
3) T-Bar Rows or Bent Over Barbell Rows
4) Barbell Or Dumbbell Shoulder Press
5) Stiff-legged Deadlifts
6) Barbell Curls

Get started doing every one of the following workouts 3 days per week, and when you feel the weight getting heavier and tougher to control, you can switch to 2 times a week with 2 to 3 days in-between workouts for more recovery time. These are the backbone of muscle building exercises, and simply because the program looks straightforward does not mean it will be easy, but most importantly, it's going to produce RESULTS.

Stay on this hardgainer routine for two to three months make sure you're continually adding weight and becoming steadily stronger, your muscle mass will follow.

So to recap what we've learned in this Hardgainer Routine, muscle growth can be achieved through proper diet, having the right type of exercise program, and the right mindset!
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Check out my Hardgainer success story!
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