Gain Weight with a Fast Metabolism - Hardgainer program

Gain Weight with a Fast Metabolism - Hardgainer program

Are you finding it nearly impossible to gain weight due to fast metabolism? If you’re anything like I was, you perhaps think that because of your “skinny genes”, gaining weight is not possible, period. I had the same mind set, but only until i was introduced to a simple and effective way to pack on pounds for skinny guys like myself. I wont delay any further, here are a few simple tips that helped me on my journey to gain weight with a fast metabolism.
Proper caloric intake: Due to a fast metabolism, we burn through calories than we are actually eating. Without eating the correct number of calories, you hard work and effort will make no difference. To gain weight with a fast metabolism, you should be eating about 20-22 times your body weight in calories. Any amount less than that will simply get burned and any amount more will just end up in the wrong places. Just think, the types of foods you eat will show in your appearance.

Keep a workout log: If you are in the gym doing the same routines, with the same amount of stress (weight), your body will no longer feel the need to grow because it has adapted. You see, your body creates muscle after exhausting activity by repairing the muscle and making it bigger and stronger. My point is, it is crucial that you add strain every session and push your body to where it HAS to create new muscle.

Additional Reps
Add weight without decreasing reps
Rest less between sets
Add an extra set

Anabolism: Anabolism is the state your body is in when it’s growing and catabolism is the state in which your body does the opposite. Following a tough workout session, your body will start to feed off of your muscle tissue in order to create more fuel. This is a catabolic state where cortisol is released and creates muscle wastage, at this point you should focus on getting your body back into a growing state. Now most of you may know the importance of protein intake following your workout, but more important is the consumption of simple carbohydrates. Now I understand that in most cases these types of carbs are bad, however, immediately following a workout they can yield incredible muscle gains. "Why?" You ask, because they are fast acting and spike your insulin sending your body into anabolism.

Increasing testosterone levels: Testosterone is easily the most important hormone when it comes to building muscle. keeping your testosterone levels up will allow you to produce steroid like results. In order to get the best results, follow these steps to increase testosterone:

- Sleep 8 hours a night and if possible, sneak a nap into your day.
-Focus on big workouts that target more than one muscle group.
-Train your legs as much as you currently do your upper body.
-Raise your consumption of celery, bananas, and avocados.

Rest: Contrary to popular belief, our bodies do not create muscle in the gym while we lift heavy weights. You see, while lifting weights we are simply breaking down the muscle. Restoring and rebuilding muscle fibers takes place while we rest and most of all while we sleep. If your are someone who is in the gym lifting weights 5 days a week, your body is not resting long enough to rebuild new muscle. 3 to 4 days per week of exhausting weight lifting is more than enough. Not only will rest allow your muscles to grow, but it will allow you to be fully recovered for your next gym session.

Gain Weight with a fast metabolism:
Following these 5 simple rules, your body will yield incredible results. Eat right, keep track of your progress, keep your body anabolic, increase your muscle building hormones, and make sure to rest enough for those muscles to grow.
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Anonymous said...

Wont eating 20-22 times more even with healthy foods increase th stomach size?

Ive eaten more 6 times a day, healthy meals, but gained a larger stomach size to go with larger al around im having hard time getting rid of the stomach fat.

MuscleMonsters said...

If you have a high metabolism, perform strenuous workouts 3-4 days a week, and follow a healthy diet, you will not store any fat. Bloating is natural for anyone who eats, now whether it is actual fat storage is different. What you also have to understand is that everyone distributes their weight differently. This is not something that can be altered. Honestly, if you developed fat, either your metabolism isnt as fast as you think, your diet was definitely not healthy, or your workouts were far from exhausting.

Anonymous said...

I usually workout for 45 minutes, and its at a point where i guess i cant do anymore reps of im all tired out, which then i usually do 15-30 min cardio depending on my energy level.

Now you had a point on something, i wake up with my stomach size at around 32-33 inches, but by the end of the day, its around 37, and i think its just bloating as well. How do i avoid bloating that much?

I drink plenty of water, ive cut down the amount i eat due to a larger stomach it ok if i eat half hour before bed time? something like peanut butter or cottage cheese or something?

MuscleMonsters said...

Bloating can be avoided by staying away from sugar, dairy, white flour, and just any simple carbohydrates.

Stick to whole grains/ complex carbs like brown rice, wheat bread, and vegetables.

Eating half an hour before bed is great as long as your consuming the right things. I recommend whey protein w/ milk (prefferably fat free), a small scoop of oatmeal, and a tablespoon of natural peanut butter or flaxseed oil. This will control blood sugar levels while you sleep and avoid going into a "starvation mode" where you get catabolic effects and suffer from muscle wastage.

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