
Chest exercises to get rid of man boobs

Carlton Blues Training Session

Let’s get straight to the point, you have man boobs and no matter how much you bench press you can not get rid of them. You do the research and ask your trainer questions about how you can get a nice tight chest and they all tell you the same thing. You follow the advice and nothing changes. You get stronger, but the man boobs do not seem to disappear.
Are man boobs hard to get rid of?
Well, that really just depends on how you are going about it. You see, usually people will just tell you to work the chest with basic chest workouts. Others will tell you to use light weight while also performing fat burning cardio activity to burn the fat. While both of these could be slightly effective, the real key to getting rid of man boobs is to perform workouts that target every inch of the chest. By working all the larger and smaller areas, you will create shape for the chest. Here are some great exercises that will help get rid of the man boobs and get you the nicely shaped chest you have been working hard for.
Dumbbell chest presses
Not only are dumbbell chest workouts better for your joints by targeting the muscle stabilizers, they also build the chest much fuller then regular barbell workouts. To make sure you hit every inch of the chest, I recommend performing chest presses with dumbbells on a flat, incline, and declined setting. I also recommend that you perform dumbbell flys on the same settings.
Push ups
Push ups are very important when getting rid of man boobs by shaping the chest. What makes push ups so beneficial is that they actually engage more muscles than a regular barbell press.
Get rid of your man boobs
It is really that simple, switch from barbells to dumbbells and integrate push ups into your chest routine. After writing this post I noticed that I have recently created an amazing chest workout routine that consists of both dumbbells and push ups. Make sure to check that out for an idea of what kind of routine would be effective when getting rid of man boobs.
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Rage against the machine - Free weights over fancy machines

Health drinks and Exercise

What is so bad about using machines over free weights?
I mean, a bench press is a bench press and a bicep curl is a bicep curl….right? Wrong! You see, unless you are a beginner who is just starting to weight train, you are doing yourself and your body a serious injustice by choosing machines over free weights. Unless you are a beginner or have some sort of physical disability that does not allow you to use free weights, machines should never be utilized over free weights.

I understand sometimes we are short on time and machines are a little more time efficient than free weights and a less effective workout is still better than no workout at all. That is completely understandable; but here is just a little rundown on why I am against machines over free weights for weight lifting to gain muscle mass.

-Too supportive
-They don’t allow enough motion
-Extremely limited
-Little or no use of stabilizers
-Your weak points remain weak

Too Supportive
If you have ever used a smith machine to bench press or squat, you probably noticed the weight you are able to lift is substantially higher than the amount lifted using free weights. This is due to the machine being too supportive. In result of too much support, you are actually using less muscle groups during the workout.

They don’t allow enough motion
Most machines work on a fixed path, meaning they allow you only to lift in one specific direction. In turn, you will be missing loads of small muscle groups that are very important when gaining strength in specific areas.

Extremely limited
For the most part, each machine only targets one part of the muscle. Since you are unable to work various areas of the muscle, you will have to bounce from multiple machines in order to target an entire muscle group.Bold
Little or no use of stabilizers
Due to too much support, you are hardly targeting the stabilizer muscles. Stabilizer muscles help you keep balanced and upright while working out. Without strong stabilizer muscles you become more susceptible to injuries. As if that was not bad enough, stabilizer muscles also allow you to lift heavier and aid in muscle growth.

Your weak points remain weak
Most machines require either both arms or both legs simultaneously to lift the weight. If you are like most humans, one side of your body is a bit weaker than the other. With that being said, it will only get worse due to your stronger side getting most of the pressure when lifting using the machine.

Rage against the machine
I am not here to bash on people who use machines, I understand that some people don’t have much of a choice. The problem is not with people who have to use machines for their workouts, the problem is using machines in place of free weights. Free weights are much more effective than machines and will also provide better results. If you are currently using machines over free weights, don’t take this as me bashing you for doing so, take this as me lending a helping hand and being concerned that you are not getting the results you go to the gym for.

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Break your plateau & enjoy newbie gains again!

Hitting a plateau is inevitable when weight training to build muscle mass. A plateau happens when your body has adapted so much to your fitness program that it (the body) requires little to no change in order to perform it (the program). The fact that you got great results from your initial program makes it hard to change it. Most people figure that if it worked to pack on those 15 pounds of muscle, there is no reason to tweak it. This is very common and often the reason for frustrated weight lifters who can not seem to pack on any more muscle.
Change your program!
You are either doing full body workouts or you are doing individual muscle groups. Regardless of what kind of program you are on, eventually your body will adapt and cause a plateau. This has a simple solution, just change the program. You see, your body builds muscle naturally in response to strenuous activity. Once your body has grown enough to the point where your program is not strenuous, it sees no reason to grow. By changing your routine and shocking the muscle with new workouts, the body will find the activity strenuous again causing it to build muscle.
A few tips to avoid hitting a plateau due to your workout program
-Switch to full body (If on individual muscle groups)
-Switch to individual muscle groups (If on full body)
-Focus on more strenuous compound workouts
-Increase intensity by implementing supersets
-Switch from machines to free weights
-Increase the amount of weight you use (5-8 reps is ideal)
Change your caloric intake!
Eating the correct amount of calories is crucial when packing on mass. Another huge mistake people make is that they never increase their caloric intake.
Let’s just say for example you weigh 150 pounds and you are eating 3500 calories a day and have increased to 160 pounds. 3500 calories will more then likely only be sufficient enough to maintain the weight. The heavier you are and the more packed with muscle your body is, the more calories your body will require in order to grow. It really is as simple as that.
Breaking that plateau
Remember people, change is good. Change your program, increase your calories, and enjoy those incredible “newbie gains” once again. I know sometimes change is frightening and sometimes we can be a little hard headed, but a plateau could easily break down your momentum and cause heavy stress or even cause you to quit. Give these simple tips a shot and notice great results again!
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Working out can help you land a better job

AT&T Holds Job Fair To Fill One Hundred Jobs In New England

Look better, feel better, be better
Self confidence could be the difference between achieving goals and hiding behind the fear of failure. Confident people are much more likely to succeed in this game we call life. Although there are numerous factors that will determine your confidence levels, I think that working out could possibly be the key to a new and better you.
-Physical Appearance
-Accomplishing positive goals
Physical appearance
People who are out of shape are more likely to feel insecure and less energetic
. As shallow as it may seem, confidence in us humans is usually driven by how attractive we feel. People who are not physically fit tend to feel less attractive than those of us who live a healthier lifestyle. Being insecure about your physical appearance can very well cause you to be less social and less likely to be the best candidate for the job.
Not only do you feel great about how you look, you feel even better about…well…the way you feel. Feeling good about your physical appearance is a great step to building confidence, but feeling energized from working out will help others around you feel your confidence. Having energy will allow you to add a little “pep in your step”. People can usually tell how confident others are by the way they walk and their posture. Having no energy will cause you to walk slowly, drag your feet, and slump your shoulders. With the energy you will build from transitioning to a healthier lifestyle, you will naturally walk faster. Making yourself look and feel more important is a huge confidence booster.
The way you carry yourself has a lot to do with how you feel and how others will assume you feel. For example, if you are walking around with your shoulders slumped and your head down, it is safe to say there is little to no confidence present. If you are walking fast with your head up and making eye contact with others, it gives off the vibe of importance and empowerment. What a lot of people don’t realize is, working out is a great way to improve posture. Not only will you naturally achieve better posture from the extra energy, but certain workouts will actually target sections of your body that have a lot to do with your posture.
A big part of your posture comes from your posterior chain. Activating the gluteus maximus or buttocks will benefit the posterior chain which in turn will create better posture. Here are a few exercises you can add to your routine to build better posture.
-Supine bridges
-Hip flexor stretch
-Kneeling squats and
-Mule kicks
Accomplishing something positive
When working out, we all have something we call “fitness goals”. A big part of being confident is having that “I can do it” attitude. Setting fitness goals and accomplishing those goals will allow you to feel on top of the world. Accomplishing these fitness goals will have you feeling confident and unstoppable. Knowing that you can do anything that you put your mind too will make you feel more valuable to employers. The bigger the goals you achieve, the bigger the confidence boost. Believe me people, there is no feeling like reaching goals (personal or fitness) that you have set.
Working out can land you a better job
Self confidence is the key to great success, and working out and living a healthier lifestyle is the key to self confidence. With just a few hours a week in the gym or at home exercising, you can make a world of a difference in yourself and your over all life. Look better, feel better, be better.

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Blasting you biceps - Trouncing your triceps

I began a recent search for arm workouts that no one really knows about. During my search i came across various different exercises for the arms that most of us have never seen. The problem was, there was nothing about them that made them any more effective than regular barbell curls and tricep pull downs. That was of course until i came across Michael Ferencsik's videos online. If you are looking for ripped and well defined triceps and nice bicep peak, these two videos could be the key. In number one Michael demonstrates two awesome bicep workouts that focus on putting needed strain on the bicep in order for it to grow. In the second video he shows us a light weight high rep tricep workout that focuses on definition. Including these three exercises into your routine could easily give your muscles the extra push they may need to get the arms you want.

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Bodybuilding Exercises For Biceps That Rip Shirts

I don't know about you, but before I started lifting, I always wanted arms that stretched the sleeves of my polos. That was basically my visual goal for my arms for a long time, plus on top of that, my girlfriend at the time said she liked big arms, so that added some motivation.

We all have that picture as a kid with no shirt on and bird chests, flexing our arms with a huge smile like we were on stage and had just won a competition. Since then, we've been taught that big arms are a staple to bodybuilding success.

I see more guys in the gym pounding away at bicep curls than just about any other exercise besides the bench press.

I have really stubborn arms for some reason, but I've managed to pack on some inches, so I'm here to show you 3 great bodybuilding exercises for your arms to get past even the most resistant biceps.
To build full biceps, you must work on the short head and the long head. The long head mainly responsible for bring your hand to your shoulder, while the short head is responsible for turning your wrist over.

1. Chin Up
Get a pull up bar and grip it with your palms facing you
-Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar
-Lower yourself and curl back up
-Imagine yourself doing a curl with a straight bar to focus on your biceps
-This is a great bicep exercise because it is a compound exercise that targets your entire bicep, your shoulder, and your back. It's a good exercise to throw in at the end of a bicep workout to really drive it home.

2. EZ Bar Curls - Close Grip, Mid-Grip, Wide Grip
Start with a close grip (grip less than shoulder width) and perform a set of curls on the EZ bar
-Rest 30 secs
-Start with a mid grip (grip exactly shoulder width) and perform a set of curls on the EZ bar
-Rest 30 secs
-Start with a wide grip (grip wider than shoulder width) and perform a set of curls on the EZ bar
-Rest 1 min and repeat
-Make sure you don't curl the weight in too far and relieve the tension on your biceps, nor should you rest your arms in the down position
This is one of my favorite bicep workouts and gets faster results than anything I've tried before. Simply because this workout completely deplenishes any glycogen in your biceps, it targets both long head and short head with the variety of grips. This one exercise is ALL you need to do on your bicep day to have a full workout.

3. Incline Bench Bicep Curls
Lay your back on an incline bench at about 45 degrees
-Grab appropriate dumb bells in each hand
-Perform a regular curl and stop just beyond the point when your lower arm and upper arm are 90 degrees to make sure you keep tension on your biceps
Again, another great burning and glycogen depleting workout. This works so well because you can't "rock" or use your abs or any other muscle to support the motion. It's all arms, which makes it a great bicep workout.

I'm sure you can think of 5000 other bicep workouts but I don't have that much room in my article.

I've used these bicep exercises over the years to great success. I'm sure you'll find them to be great also. Remember to do exercises that focus on the entire bicep, not just the short head which is the most visible.

Get more bodybuilding exercises that include videos, tips, and explanations at my website below.

Until next time, Happy Lifting!

Mitchell is the author of Fit With Mitch, a website dedicated to the beginner that wants to build muscle through weight training - the right way. You can find more great bodybuilding exercises at his website

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Top 5 reasons your abs are not showing

World Games 2005

Unless you are genetically gifted in this area, six pack abs may possibly be the hardest thing to earn when it comes to bodybuilding. Is it hard to get your six pack to show? Or are we just going about it the wrong way? Although I don’t think there is really a simple way to get a defined abdominal region, I do think that the main reason is all the misconceptions we have been bombarded with by main stream muscle magazines. If you want to get defined abs, I suggest you use this list as a guide to making sure you are going about it the right way. So without further ado, here are the top 5 reasons your abs are not showing.
Improper rest
Abs are just like any other muscle, they need to be rested in order to grow. Working abs 2-3 times a week is ideal when trying to get a defined six pack. Over training your abs will not make them look better.
Avoiding fatty foods
Eating fat does not
always make you fat. Believe it or not, there are good fats that will help you burn the fat off of your abdominal region to reveal your six pack. Some of these good fats can be found in peanut butter, olive oil, avocados, fish, and other non saturated fats. These types of fats are essential when building great abs.
Focusing too much on ab workouts
Are ab workouts effective? I have read so many things about ab workouts being absolutely unnecessary. I disagree; I think ab workouts can and will be effective. The mistake most of us are making is simply focusing too much on ab workouts. What we must understand is, no matter how many crunches we do, our abs will never show unless we burn the fat off of the stomach area. Ab workouts will absolutely not reduce belly fat. Instead of working abs 5 days a week, focus more on fat burning exercises. Cardio, circuit training, and plyometrics are just a few of the fat burning workouts you can do.
Eating too little
Some people actually do understand that the abs will not show up until the fat is burned. Those people may actually be working out properly. The mistake is made in the diet, they figure if they eat less, they loose fat. Wrong! If you are eating too little, your metabolism slows down. As your metabolism slows down, your body will naturally store calories as fat much quicker. The key is to eat more meals in smaller portions to speed up the metabolism.
Relying on fancy equipment
Research shows that most of those ab machines you find in your gym are actually dangerous for your lower back. You can perform safer and more effective abdominal workouts from home with no equipment. Research has also shown that expensive ab workout products like the “ab circle pro” that sells for $199.99 is less effective than a basic ab wheel that sells for $10.
Whether your six pack remains unnoticeable due to all 5 reasons or just 1, making that small change can make a huge difference. So start resting more, consume the proper fats, focus more on fat burning workouts, eat better, and stick to the basics by avoiding fancy equipment. If you are making any of these mistakes, use this list as a guide to getting those washboard abs you have always dreamed about.
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Mass building chest routine for strength, size, and endurance

Iraqis Idolize Arnold Schwarzenegger

I have recently put up a post on a very effective home chest workout routine. Although it is a home routine, it could very easily be performed at a gym. If you are working out at a gym though, I thought I would spice things up a bit for you. What I have put together is a very explosive chest routine that will help with size, strength, and endurance. This is one of my personal chest routines and because it has worked so well for me, I figured I would share it with you all. Unlike the other routine, this one requires gym equipment. Enough said…here is how it goes.
The routine
This routine has been created with a mix of mass building workouts that target every inch of the chest. Being that we want to break through any threshold, I put the workouts together as supersets. Combining mass building workouts with high intensity (supersetting) movement will allow you to strain the muscle enough for it to want to grow. Not only that, but the high intensity movement will aid in strength gains and endurance. This is also great for breaking a plateau, if you are used to basic chest routines, the high intensity addition to the routine will shock the muscle. As a result, your chest will feel the need to become stronger in order to continue to perform this type of vigorous exercise in the future.
How to perform
The chest workout routine is going to be 3 different exercises. Each exercise will include two types of workouts. The second workout in each exercise will be performed immediately following the first workout. Every exercise will be performed in 4 sets using the same exact weight in each workout per exercise. Rest will take place for 45-60 seconds after every exercise.
Exercise #1
Workout #1
Flat bench (10-12reps) Light weight
Workout #2
Close grip flat bench (5-8reps)
Exercise #2
Workout #1
Inclined dumbbell flys (10-12reps)
Workout #2
Inclined front dumbbell press (8-10reps)
Exercise #3
Workout #1
Declined dumbbell chest press (8-12reps)
Declined dumbbell front press (5-10reps)

Get in the gym
This routine is designed to be easily performed in a high traffic gym. Each workout in every exercise is performed in the same area to avoid having to bounce from machine to machine. The routine is also created to be time efficient and easily performed in less than 30 minutes. Not to mention the fact that you will break through your plateau and get back on track with size and strength gains at rapid speed. I recommend performing this routine twice a week for best results.
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Fitness Q and A for the dedicated (Questions)

I am pretty good at answering emails and comments, but recently I have decided that I would take it a step further to interact with my readers. This is a new section I am starting and will be doing every once in a while. I call it, “Fitness Q and A for the dedicated”. It works like this, I add the post labeled “Fitness Q and A for the dedicated” and you, the readers, ask away. I will take questions via email for 14 days from the day of the post, at the end of the 14 days I will post the questions along with answers. For the most part, the questions will all be answered in the same post. The more complicated questions that need a larger explanation will be answered in the form of its own article. For those interested in participating, please email your question to along with your name and the city and state in which you live. Make sure to title the subject "Fitness Q and A".
Note: Comments are welcome but will not be included in the “Fitness Q and A for the dedicated (Answers)” section.
I look forward to a lot of questions; no question that is fitness related will go unanswered. Please subscribe to be alerted of the answers being posted.
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Muscle building tips your trainer didn't tell you

Whether you workout with a personal trainer or not, you may be missing some key factors when It comes to muscle growth. Not that any of the tips I am about to share are too complicated, but sometimes I feel we are not stepping outside of the box when trying to pack on muscle mass. A proper healthy diet and exercise routine are essential when reaching our fitness goals, but sometimes may not be enough. This is why I have created this list of very effective tips to aid in reaching the next level.

Changing your training routine at least once every 90 days will reduce your risk of hitting a plateau.

Chewing peppermint or any minty gum while training will alter your minds perception of stress, allowing you to train harder.

Sleep helps you grow!!! During deep sleep your body actually is at its peak in producing human growth hormone (HGH), which aids in muscle growth, strength and tone.

Working legs helps your bench…A good tip for those who want to gain strength in all their lifts is to work your legs. Being that this is one of the largest muscle groups in your body, training your legs will actually increase your testosterone production which will in turn make you stronger.

 It is recommended that you consume at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day.

Most of the minerals used to supplement your body can be found in the foods you already consume. Did you know that one tilapia fillet cooked in olive oil can contain almost 25 grams of protein? So for those that don’t have money or patience to buy and drink protein shakes, this may be a great alternative.

 Key for growth is your ABC….Always Be Consuming, do not be afraid of food.

Walking at an incline burns more fat than running on a flat surface.

Doing cardio training will help your lifts. Although weightlifting is primarily anaerobic exercise, having a strong heart and lungs will help with distribution of blood to the body therefore giving you a better pump.
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MMA training for peak conditioning

David Tua Training Session
Guest post by Sir David of ©Sir David

Have you heard the saying, cardio is the hardest thing to get and the easiest to go? Well I have and it’s no joke to experience both sides of gaining it and losing it. I’ve had great levels of cardio with the ability to play consecutive basketball games with no issues. I’ve been able to roll on the mats during jiu-jitsu here in Orlando and feel like I could go all day. Then I started working more hours at my job and not being as active as I once was. My cardio training went out the door and I felt like getting winded was all too common now. In an effort to up my training and achieve the level of cardio and conditioning I desire, I am constructing a view on mixed martial arts cardio for the amateur and pro fighter. This view will also adhere to any athlete regardless of sport.

First off I would like to point out I am not a medical professional, so by adopting or incorporating any materials listed throughout this context you do so at your own risk. Make sure to properly stretch before, during, and after each exercise to lessen the chances of injury.

Now everyone is different when it comes to cardio. One may have their own ways to build up their endurance. One might cycle for a portion of the afternoon, while the other may jump rope for an hour. It comes down to what works best for you, however, in the world of mixed martial arts you must condition your whole body.
Shadow boxing
I am going to start by talking about warm up training. I feel that shadow boxing is very useful for warm up training. It allows your body to become loose and gets your blood flowing. Here you will throw punch combinations, knees, elbows and kicks. Shadow boxing is ideal if you go 2-3 minutes as a warm up.
Heavy Bag Training
Up next is heavy bag training which encompasses many aspects of mma. The heavy bag is a wonderful tool to use for kicking, punching, kneeing, and elbowing. Consistent training on the heavy bag will benefit cardio, coordination, technique and overall power. After a proper warm up with shadow boxing and a short rest, begin striking the heavy bag in 5 minute intervals. For fights that consist of 3 rounds and 5 minutes each you would want to train 15 minutes overall with 30-60 seconds rest in between.
Jumping rope
Jumping rope! Unless you were born with fancy footwork then the jump rope is your best friend. Jumping rope will also improve your cardio and coordination. I believe the key to jumping rope is changing up your routine from time to time. Instead of the typical jumping rope in place, change it up to one footed jumping rope with the right foot and then switching it to your left foot. Jump higher with both feet raising the knees more and also doing double unders which is doing a double pass of the jump rope under one jump. Try jumping rope for 10-20 minutes and switch up your routine. For instance count to 100 jumps, then switch to 50 jumps on the left foot, then 50 jumps on the right foot. Now switch to 50 double unders. Vary your routine based on your individual needs and stretch out your time if needed.
Speed bag and kicking pads
The speed bag and kicking pads are next on the list. The speed bag will vastly improve coordination and hand speed. This also goes for Muy Thai styled kicking pads which will work great for your legs. The training on the speed bag and kicking pads can be split up into 2-3 rounds 1-2 minutes each.
Lastly I’d like to discuss everyone’s favorite: Sparring. Sparring is great because it lets you know where you are at as a mixed martial artist in the stand up game. It tests speed, conditioning, coordination and power. Sparring ideally should be divided into 3 rounds, 5 minutes each.

You will notice the exercises listed above are very similar to those used in boxing and that’s why the following exercises are encouraged to be used in your MMA training regiment also: Wrestling, grappling, running, swimming, and circuit training. All will benefit coordination, cardio, strength and mental toughness.
Fight time
Remember that with the examples listed above you want to progress in your training around the areas you desire to develop. Maintain your strong points but spend a good amount of time working on your problem areas. The examples above do not have to be performed in any particular order or for specific intervals. It is always advised to get a good rest of 7-8 hours a day and have a healthy diet to obtain optimum conditioning.
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Increase HGH levels without pills and injections

As a hardgainer, it almost seems like human growth hormone (HGH) injections could be the answer to your prayers. Unfortunately, Injecting human growth hormone has been known to be a little on the risky side. With side effects like over sized organs, and high blood pressure being some of the main issues, I don’t recommend taking your chances.

On the bright side, there are actually safer natural ways to increase your human growth hormone levels (HGH). Without spending loads on money and worrying about serious side effects, you can alter a few small habits in your daily activity to help release HGH naturally. Now before I explain how to increase human growth hormone (HGH) levels, let me give you a small idea of the benefits.

-Look and feel younger
-Growth of healthier hair
-Reduce wrinkles
-Sleep well
-Burn fat

These are just a few of the benefits that come from increased HGH levels. Now, let me explain how you can increase your human growth hormone (HGH) levels without any risky pills or injections.

Getting the proper amount of high quality sleep is vital when building up your HGH levels. Since the largest surge of human growth hormone (HGH) tends to come during REM sleep, it is crucial that you get 7-8 hours of high quality sleep. If you tend to sacrifice sleep or are just getting rest (not high quality sleep), the volume of HGH secretion will drop drastically. Sleeping with a television or any lights on can dramatically decrease sleep quality. Be sure to follow a healthy diet with high protein and sleep in a dark room to increase sleep quality.

Although all exercise will aid in an increase of human growth hormone (HGH), some types of exercise work better then others. For example, high intensity circuit training and high intensity aerobic exercise could be more beneficial then weight lifting. Either way, the goal is to exercise regularly and burn fat. Lower body fat percentage will also aid in higher HGH levels.

Consuming foods high in carbohydrates will cause human growth hormone secretion to decrease or stop completely. Carbohydrates also increase insulin which is another reason for the stop in HGH production. Concentrate on eating more fruits, vegetables, fish, and lean meats.

Increase you HGH levels naturally
Following these few simple steps will have you looking and feeling like a new person. Exercising, sleeping well, and proper diet could be the answer to accelerated fat burn and wrinkle reduction. So avoid those pills and injections and do it naturally for safer results.
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