Fitness Q and A for the dedicated (Questions)

Fitness Q and A for the dedicated (Questions)

I am pretty good at answering emails and comments, but recently I have decided that I would take it a step further to interact with my readers. This is a new section I am starting and will be doing every once in a while. I call it, “Fitness Q and A for the dedicated”. It works like this, I add the post labeled “Fitness Q and A for the dedicated” and you, the readers, ask away. I will take questions via email for 14 days from the day of the post, at the end of the 14 days I will post the questions along with answers. For the most part, the questions will all be answered in the same post. The more complicated questions that need a larger explanation will be answered in the form of its own article. For those interested in participating, please email your question to along with your name and the city and state in which you live. Make sure to title the subject "Fitness Q and A".
Note: Comments are welcome but will not be included in the “Fitness Q and A for the dedicated (Answers)” section.
I look forward to a lot of questions; no question that is fitness related will go unanswered. Please subscribe to be alerted of the answers being posted.
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