Rage against the machine - Free weights over fancy machines

Rage against the machine - Free weights over fancy machines

Health drinks and Exercise

What is so bad about using machines over free weights?
I mean, a bench press is a bench press and a bicep curl is a bicep curl….right? Wrong! You see, unless you are a beginner who is just starting to weight train, you are doing yourself and your body a serious injustice by choosing machines over free weights. Unless you are a beginner or have some sort of physical disability that does not allow you to use free weights, machines should never be utilized over free weights.

I understand sometimes we are short on time and machines are a little more time efficient than free weights and a less effective workout is still better than no workout at all. That is completely understandable; but here is just a little rundown on why I am against machines over free weights for weight lifting to gain muscle mass.

-Too supportive
-They don’t allow enough motion
-Extremely limited
-Little or no use of stabilizers
-Your weak points remain weak

Too Supportive
If you have ever used a smith machine to bench press or squat, you probably noticed the weight you are able to lift is substantially higher than the amount lifted using free weights. This is due to the machine being too supportive. In result of too much support, you are actually using less muscle groups during the workout.

They don’t allow enough motion
Most machines work on a fixed path, meaning they allow you only to lift in one specific direction. In turn, you will be missing loads of small muscle groups that are very important when gaining strength in specific areas.

Extremely limited
For the most part, each machine only targets one part of the muscle. Since you are unable to work various areas of the muscle, you will have to bounce from multiple machines in order to target an entire muscle group.Bold
Little or no use of stabilizers
Due to too much support, you are hardly targeting the stabilizer muscles. Stabilizer muscles help you keep balanced and upright while working out. Without strong stabilizer muscles you become more susceptible to injuries. As if that was not bad enough, stabilizer muscles also allow you to lift heavier and aid in muscle growth.

Your weak points remain weak
Most machines require either both arms or both legs simultaneously to lift the weight. If you are like most humans, one side of your body is a bit weaker than the other. With that being said, it will only get worse due to your stronger side getting most of the pressure when lifting using the machine.

Rage against the machine
I am not here to bash on people who use machines, I understand that some people don’t have much of a choice. The problem is not with people who have to use machines for their workouts, the problem is using machines in place of free weights. Free weights are much more effective than machines and will also provide better results. If you are currently using machines over free weights, don’t take this as me bashing you for doing so, take this as me lending a helping hand and being concerned that you are not getting the results you go to the gym for.

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