How to Gain Weight Fast the Healthy Way

How to Gain Weight Fast the Healthy Way

How to Gain Weight Fast the Healthy Way

A lot of the time when we struggle to gain weight we assume that it’s just not possible without taking some kind of supplement for assistance. The fact is, supplements should only be used as replacements in case of “emergency”. For instance, if you are in a position where it is not possible to get a real meal, a supplement may be your only option. Although they are pretty safe for the most part, they are not necessary in order to gain weight fast. Not to mention that nutrient dense foods are always a more effective option, unfortunately they aren’t always an option for some of us. For this reason I have put together a few tips to help you gain weight fast the healthy way.
Know how much you should be eating:
Using this hardgainer weight gain formula you can figure out exactly how many calories you should be taking in on a daily basis. Once you find out your personal daily caloric intake, you can then break those calories down into 6 meals. This will help give you a better idea of how many calories you should be consuming per meal. Just this simple step will make the rest of the process much easier and assure that you are not over or under eating.
Prepare your meals one week in advance:
This may sound a little crazy and unrealistic but there are a couple of ways to do this. Some people I know do not cook every night, therefore it makes sense that these people should take one day out of the week to prepare all the meals they will need for the following week. Although it may seem a little time consuming, think about all the time you will save during the week when all your meals are ready to go. If I took this approach I would basically cook up a large amount of each carbohydrate that I will be consuming (Brown Rice, Wheat Pasta, etc.). Then I would do the same with all my meats/protein (chicken, fish, ground turkey, etc.). Now you have a ton of food, simply measure out each meal and throw them in a piece of tupperware. Once this is done, you can stay away from the kitchen for a week while focusing on more important things like the GYM and staying away from unnecessary replacement meals and tempting unhealthy garbage.
If you are like me and like to cook dinner every night, there might be a better method for you (the method I use). Due to the fact that I am already in the kitchen cooking, I find it easier for me to just make enough servings to get me through the following day. Only problem I see with this approach is that it can get a little boring due to lack of variety.
Quick foods to prepare in advance:
-Hardboiled Eggs
-Sweet Potatoes
-Mixed Vegetables
How to Gain Weight Fast the Healthy way:
If you are aware of exactly how many calories your body needs on a daily basis and can manage to have nutrient dense food available at all times, gaining healthy weight fast will be no problem at all. Not having food premade can result in skipping meals, breaking a healthy diet, and relying on replacement meals and supplements. This could easily turn into the inability to gain weight, packing on pounds of unwanted fats, and sabotaging your muscle building potential.
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