Beginners Routine for Explosive Gains

Beginners Routine for Explosive Gains

It is very important that you have a solid routine as beginners. The reason I say this is, this is the point where your strength gains will increase most rapidly.
But what if I am not interested in strength and I am more interested in putting on size?
Let me put it to you quite simply, if you do not get stronger, your body will not grow. I don't care if you are lifting for 2 years on the best diet, if the strength doesn't increase then neither will your size. The point I am making is, as beginners you will notice the biggest increase in strength in least amount of time. So having a routine that can maximize the gains of your entire physique is extremely important. I have created a very effective full body compound workout that will not only target every muscle group, but will do so using the biggest most effective workouts.
The Beginners Routine:
The beginners routine consists of 5 different workouts and should be performed only every other day with 2 days off consecutively every two weeks.
Week 1-2
3 sets - 8 to 10 reps - 45 second between exercises.
Week 3-4
3 sets - 8 to 10 reps - 30 seconds between exercises.
Week 5-6
4 sets - 8-10 reps - 30 seconds between exercises
Week 7-8
4 sets - 8-10 reps - 15 seconds between exercises
Week 9-10
5 sets - 8-10 reps - 15 seconds between exercises
Week 10-12
5 sets - 5 reps - 15 seconds between exercises
Now, it is very important that you are lifting heavy enough weight. If you are physically capable of surpassing the amount of repetitions listed, you must increase the weight until that is not longer possible.
The beginners Routine/ The workout
1. Squats
2. Bench press
3. (Superset) Pull ups and Dips
4. Bent Over Rows
5. Military Press
Feel free to change the order of the beginners routine as you like, so long as the pull up/dip supersets remain in between the bench press and bent over rows. Also, feel free to exchange the squats with deadlifts every so often. This will keep your muscles guessing and ultimately yield greater results.
Ok, although I labeled this workout the "beginners routine", it does not mean this will only work for those who have just started weight training. This routine works great for anyone from beginners to experts and is very effective for both.
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Anonymous said...

Well, i have an opposite kinda question. I want to gain strength and shape, but not size? I like the size im at, and im gaining strength, but i have no shape anywhere, and i have a good diet now.

What can i do to avoid gaining size?

MuscleMonsters said...

Ok, following this workout with a proper diet you can not only increase your strength but also add shape to your physique. The fact is, if your lifting heavy enough to be increasing strength, muscle will be created. The goal here is just to diet properly in order to get a more defined look over just bulking.

Another thing i could recommend to avoid gaining too much size and still increasing strength is going extra heavy and doing 2-3 reps instead of 8-10. This will not put enough strain on your muscles because the reps are so low but at the same time you will build strength by progressive overload.

Anonymous said...

So in order to get more toned then bulk up, you recommend 8-10 reps rather than the 5 reps?

It's just that, my strength is increasing, but i also want to keep my size at what it's at right now, will doing 8-10 help me keep toned or the 5 reps?
I'm dieting the same hoping to avoid gaining big size.

MuscleMonsters said...

I would stick to the 8-10 routine with a lean clean diet and medium-heavy cardio. Fact is, weight lifters, powerlifters included, will build muscle. The goal in your case is to decrease body fat as you pack on lean muscle in order to get more of a "fitness model" physique over an off season bodybuilder's bulky look.

Anonymous said...

So would you recommend weights heavy enough to push 8 reps and not more? Also you perform this routine 3 times a week? Is that kind of over training? And what workouts can we add/replace that wouldn't lead to over training?


Anonymous said...

Does this routine give that bulky body building look? Or does it give a nice fitness look?

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