Why protein is important when building muscle

Why protein is important when building muscle

Why protein is important when building muscle
Now, a lot of you may already know but i can't assume we all do. Protein is very important when trying to build muscle because without the proper amount, your body will break down the muscle. Protein will build and repair muscle and that's why its very important that you consume a good amount before and after your workout. One thing a lot of people do is, they see the grams of protein per serving of a certain food and automatically assume that just because its a higher number, that its more beneficial. Wrong! For example, one egg may contain about six grams, a chicken breast may contain nearly double, but the eggs protein is more beneficial.

Why? Well, the amount of essential amino acids in an egg in comparison to a chicken breast is much higher. This is not to say that chicken is not a great form of protein, i wouldn't eliminate my intake of chicken and replace it with eggs but i would definitely not underestimate the egg when it comes to protein.

Here is a list of some items that contain the protein and essential amino acids your body will need when building muscle. Meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beans, nuts, peanut butter and eggs. Cheese, milk, and yogurt are also a great source but i would recommend keeping it low fat.
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