Why is your metabolism sluggish?

Why is your metabolism sluggish?

Eating a well balanced diet is important to our overall health. Everything that we eat gets digested and absorbed by countless organs in our body. Our digestive system is responsible for absorbing and breaking down every single thing that we consume in a given day. That is why maintaining a healthy diet is most important when it comes to health. Here are the main causes of poor digestion?

-Eating to fast
-Fluid intake with our meals
-Eating late at night

First, we are eating to fast. This leads to consuming food that is not chewed up properly and this will cause your digestive track to work a lot harder to break down the meal. I know sometimes we are in a rush and have to rush through our meals but if your concerned about your weight then I recommend putting your health first and taking that extra 5 minutes to consume the meal properly.

Second, fluid intake with our meals. There are acids in our body that are responsible for breaking down the foods we eat, the fluids that we drink will actually dilute those acids and make the breakdown of our meals less effective.

Finally, eating late at night. As you may or may not know, our entire digestive system slows down in the evening. This will cause your organs to work twice as hard to break down the foods and definitely will slow down the weight loss process.

Remember, having a healthy digestive system will aid in the process of losing weight and keeping us healthy. So here's a recap.

-Take your time when eating, do not rush your food.
- Wait till after your meal to consume fluids.
-Try to eat dinner about 4 hours before bed and no late night snacks.
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