Building muscle mass for skinny guys

Building muscle mass for skinny guys

I know how hard it can be to be skinny and try to gain muscle mass. I was there at one point, 120 pounds and working out but gaining no size. I came across this video the other day and thought the information on it was so good that i would share it with you all. In this video, Vince Del Monte explains the main points to focus on when trying to gain muscle mass. He will explain how many calories you should take in according to your body type, what kinds of calories (carbs, protein, fats) and how many of each. Check it out.

- Your body weight x 18 = The amount of calories you should take in
- 50% calorie intake should be carbs
- 30% calorie intake should be protein
- 20% calorie intake should be fats

Carb examples: Oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread, fruits, vegetables.
Protein examples: Chicken, eggs, fish, lean beef.
Fat examples: Nuts, avocado, olive oil, preferably saturated fats.
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Anonymous said...

I eat more Protein than Carbs. Will I still grow big in size?

MuscleMonsters said...

Yes you will still grow but i recommend more carbs because this will improve your workouts and your size gains will be more effective. But yes, you will still grow.

Anonymous said...

Ive been working out for 2 years and ive not gained any size at all. I have gained weight, but thats because i lost the fat and have gained the muscle. In the 2 years i have been eating extremely healthy, and taking proteins as well.

Now i would like to try a weight gainer protein cause whey just isnt helping me in size. If i take mammoth protein, it has more carbs in it than protein, and calories is over 1000 per if i work out and take this weight gainer protein will i grow muscles or fat? If i still eat right and work out?

MuscleMonsters said...

You will gain a small amount of fat, depending on how many of thoe calories in the wheight gainer is fat. Ultimately it will be beneficial in muscle growth as long as yo eat right and workout. I recommend taking a nitric oxide supp with it, nitric oxide will help absorb more of the nutrients in all your foods. Check out the plasma jet challenge we did, shows our guy gaining 19 pounds in 3 weeks. he went from 120 to 139. copy and paste this

Anonymous said...

i work out on a 3 day work out off 1 day routine usually bout an hour to hour 1/2...4-6 sets of 8-12 reps... i do biceps triceps day 1, shoulders chest n back day 2, and legs and abs day 3, and not gaining anything yet I seem to have hit a plateau. i have heard that creatine is bad in ways so i have not been taken any of that. What can help me with my work out routine to gain some mass?

Anonymous said...

I work a body part a day only one a day will I still get results

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