Simple guide to losing belly fat

Simple guide to losing belly fat

Let’s face it, belly fat is the most noticeable. This is the most common fatty area, even some reasonably thin people can agree. This is why I decided to put together this simple guide to eliminating belly fat. I will be going over
-Taking a controlled diet
-Avoid bad habits
-Exercise regularly

1. Taking a controlled diet
-Instead of eating heavy meals, eat 6 smaller meals a day
-Have your meals on a schedule
-Consume your last meal about four hours before bed(avoid eating close to bed time)
-Avoid oily foods
-Include salads in your diet
-Absolutely never skip breakfast
-No crash dieting, stick to a balanced diet

2. Avoid bad habits
Smoking, caffeine (coffee), and alcohol will increase cholesterol levels in your body. Therefor, in order to stay healthy you must eliminate these habits.

3. Exercise regularly
There are tons of exercises one can do to reduce belly fat. I recommend cardio, cardio workouts are considered the best when reducing weight. Here is a list of some exercises that I recommend.
-Walking (helps to walk on sand, fields, woodlands, etc )
-Crunches lying on the back with knees bent. (Now lift the shoulders from the floor. The focus here is to move your ribs towards your hips.)
-Leg raises (This will cut weight on the thighs and hips)
-Follow aerobic videos or classes

Follow this simple guide and burn that belly fat quick. I hope this will help you achieve any goals or resolutions you have for the new year.
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Anonymous said...

i eat healthy food, BUT, there is no way for me to eat 6 meals in a day. im always at work, and bring lunch with me and i eat enough to make me just full.

Im a 3 time eater along with protein shakes in between. Is this still ok?

MuscleMonsters said...

It is ok, but the thing want to speed up your metabolism, you want to get your body to get used to digesting and metabolising faster. This is why its better to eat more small meals daily. Maybe u can break up the 3 meals into 6 small meals. If not possible, its fine, just drink a lot more water, about 10 glasses a day and eat more fruits.

Anonymous said...

Can the 6 small meals be replaced with 3 protein shakes and 3 small meals?

MuscleMonsters said...

I would recommend 6 meals not including protein shakes. If you decide to replace the meals with your shakes, try not to drink them with milk. Try them with water to include less fats and less calories u dont need

Anonymous said...

Is it ok if to add 3 protein shakes to the meals?

For example, eat a regular breakfast, take a protein shake within 2 or 3 hours later. eat again two hours later and another protei shake a few hours later and so on?

Or does it actually have to be meals?

Anonymous said...

Oppps asked same question sorry

Anonymous said...

i used to be really slim but after 3 years at uni i put on 3stone which makes me 16 stone i exercis alot but cant lose much weight not sure why. if i eat 6 times a day would half chicken sandwich be enough for each meals just wane know how big should each meal be??

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