Home back workout (lats)

Home back workout (lats)

Here is an awesome home back workout. All you will need is a pull up bar, dumbbells, and a chair. This is mainly to target the lats and to give you that nice size. When performing this workout i want you to try to focus on your form.
In the video, Scooby instructs you to perform exactly what he performed in that order. Instead of running the entire exercise 5 times i would also suggest you could perform it this way...
-Wide grip pull ups followed by dumbbell rows 10x4
-Alternating grip pulls followed by dumbbell pullovers 10x4
-Narrow grip pull ups followed by bent over rows 10x4
(Reps x Sets)
This workout should take about 45 minutes and can easily be done from home. It is very important to use the proper weight when working back to avoid injury. Remember, this is a superset workout so you will probably not use the same amount of weight as you would normally for the dumbbell portions.

For the narrow grip, in the video Scooby demonstrates with parallel grip, if you do not have one it is fine. Instead of the parallel grip you can simply perform the pull ups with your hands about 2-3 inches apart. Remember, bar in front of the face and not behind the head. Performing pull ups with your head behind the bar will damage the shoulders.
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