Building muscle with an ectomorph body

Building muscle with an ectomorph body

Have you ever wondered why some people who diligently work out for years and never fail to skip meals still don't get the brawny look they've always wanted? This happens because of several factors and one of them is because of their genetic make-up.

There are three somatotypes: the endomorphs, or those who gains fat easily; the mesomorph, who can easily lose and gain fat and muscle weight; and the ectomorph, or those who have low fat storage and commonly referred to as a "hard gainer."

But an ectomorph should not be discouraged when it comes to building muscle mass. Most research papers published in, suggests that an ectomorph has as much chance of winning a Mr. Olympia title provided that they follow a proper training, diet and rest regimen.

The main way for an ectomorph to gain muscle is to engage in short bouts of intense training or power movements. Cardiovascular training like treadmills should be limited. An ectomorph should also be keen on his diet. He should increase his caloric intake by eating complex carbohydrates such as pasta and whole grains; and protein-rich sources like grilled tuna and chicken breasts.

Adequate rest is equally important as the two. Muscles are not built while training or eating, but during rest periods where protein synthesis occurs. It is not proper for an ectomorph to train for more than an hour to avoid catabolism or muscle loss.

With the right knowledge and determination, an ectomorph can put muscle mass as effectively and quickly as possible. After all, bodybuilding icons like Frank Zane and Darrem Charles have the same body type but it didn't hinder them to achieve a well-respected status in the sport.

A versatile writer, Gabriel Esporlas hopes to become a contributor for a fitness and health journal or photojournalist for the National Geographic magazine. He is a graduate of Business Administration from Adamson University in Manila, Philippines. He worked as an abstracter for almost four years and is currently working as a full-time web copywriter. Gabriel is fond of doing nature photo shoots, reading young adult literature and watching films.

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Gabriel Esporlas said...

Thanks musclemonsters for posting my article, i hope it would be of help to all the ectomorphs who wanted to build quality muscle.

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