Top muscle mass building exercises

Top muscle mass building exercises

Human weights at the gym!

Everyone wants to build muscle and bulk up, the only problem is, no one wants to do the workouts that are going to help gain that mass. It is either that, or they have no idea what workouts are best to build the muscle. So what I am going to do for you is this, I am going to create a list of the top most important exercises to build muscle mass in order from most important to least.

I write this with confidence because there is over 100 years of evidence that these workouts actually work faster. The key is to stress the biggest amount of muscle the fastest. What kind of exercise stresses the largest amount of muscle the fastest? Well, ask yourself this, what do all the workouts in the list have in common? You got it! They are all compound movements. There is your answer; compound movements stress the largest amount of muscle the quickest.

Another thing, notice that the top 3 are lower body movements. I’ll explain why; the leg muscles are the largest in the body. Ok, and? Well the fastest way to build more muscle mass is to build the largest muscles in your body. Make sense now?


Assuming you are working out in a gym with a rack, I will rate the squat number one most important workout to build muscle. There are many ways to perform squats, in my opinion, just do them. It wouldn’t hurt to rotate through different types of squats considering they all play a different roll in building leg muscles.

Dead Lift

There are more then a few ways to perform dead lifts, like squats, just do them. I will admit that although some ways may work slightly better than others, the small difference shouldn't be enough for you to stress out about what way to perform the dead lift. One thing you may notice is your lower back giving out a lot faster then your legs. If this is the case, use a trap bar, the trap bar will take a lot of the stress off of your lower back.

Leg press

If for any reason you are unable to perform squats, I suggest replacing that workout with the leg press. The leg press is best mass builder for legs after squats and dead lifts. The last thing you want to do when building mass is neglect your lower body.

Chins (Upper body squat)

Just the name alone gives you some idea of how important this workout is. This workout is great for building upper body mass.

Bench press

Everyone knows and loves the bench press. Although it is not the most important mass builder, people seem to treat it like it is. If you exchanged the amount of time your spent bench pressing with the amount of time you spent squatting, I bet you would notice a huge difference in muscle mass. One tip for the bench press, hold the bar at your nipples or maybe about an inch lower to put less stress on the shoulders.


This workout is for the trapezius maximus, also known as traps. One of the biggest muscles in your body and also often rejected. You see the diamond shaped muscle in the middle of your back? Yeah, that’s it.

Overhead press

This is a very common workout, often confused for a chest exercise; the overhead press is in fact a shoulder workout. These can be performed standing but if they are performed sitting then it makes it harder to cheat. Also, you get more support for your back.

There it is, the top most important exercises to build muscle mass. Put the importance of each exercise in the order I have listed and notice incredible gains faster than you could imagine. Remember, everyone wants to get big but no one wants to do the work. These are basic workouts that everyone knows about, the point is to use them more often in the order presented.

For best results, follow the top mass building diet.

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