Full body workout V.S. Split routine

Full body workout V.S. Split routine

Which is more beneficial, full body workouts or a split routine? As simple as the questions may seem, it really is not that easy to answer. There are a few things you must factor in before deciding between one or the other. For example, your fitness goals and your body type play a huge roll in answering this question. The small skinny guy that is trying to pack on pounds of muscle is not going to follow the same routine as the big chubby guy that is trying to lean out and get defined. With that being said, I can’t tell you whether full body workouts or a split routine is best for you. What I can do is share some of the benefits you can expect from each one.

Split routine
-Targeted growth
Unlike full body workouts, split routines allow you to target trouble areas by giving greater attention to each muscle group. This also gives you the ability to target stubborn muscles.
-Better for definition
Split routines give you the ability to focus on even the smallest muscles and alternate between higher reps and lower reps. While full body workouts target larger muscle groups, split routines allow you to focus more on definition over mass.
-Easier to stick to
Because full body workouts are so intense and fatiguing, they sometimes become dreadful. With split routines they allow you to get a great workout and leave the gym with enough energy to look forward to your next workout.
Full body workout
-Frequent muscle stimulation
With full body workouts you will be targeting each muscle 3-4 times a week as appose to 1-2. This causes more stimulation per muscle group. The more frequently you stimulate a muscle, the faster it will grow.
-Eat more and gain less fat
With full body workouts you are actually burning a greater amount of calories than you would with split routines. This is due to the large amount of muscle mass being targeted in each session.
-Pack on muscle mass
In order to perform a full body workout that will not require 20 different exercises, you must focus more on compound workouts that target more than one muscle group per exercise. Compound exercises are known for their strength increase along with mass building results.
At the end of the day
At the end of the day, choosing between full body workouts and a split routine is going to be decided by your fitness goals. If you are looking to bulk up and put on muscle mass I would recommend full body workouts. If you are looking to become lean and defined I would say stick to the a split routine. This is not to say that a split routine can’t aid in mass building, just that full body compound workouts is more likely to get you bigger faster.
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Anonymous said...

Are you able to show an example of a full body workout? Which excercises would be done and how many reps and how many sets? Just curious to know as im planning on gaining some muscle mass fast, and not sure which workouts would be best for a full body and in what order?

Anonymous said...

An example of a full body workout would be...

Bench 5x3
Deadlift 5x3
Standing Military Press 3x5
Squat 5x5
Pull-ups 2x8
Chin-ups 2x8
Close Grip Bench Press 3x6
Calf Raises 3x10
Bicep Curls 3x8

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