Eat before bed for quick muscle gains

Eat before bed for quick muscle gains

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If you are looking for quick muscle gains, you will have to ditch all the myths and nonsense you may have heard about muscle building and opt for a strategy that is based purely on science. Did you know that one of the worst things that you can do when you are looking for quick muscle gains is to go to bed on an empty stomach.

When you sleep, your body and muscles recover from the day's activity and your workout, and you need nutrients to accomplish that. If you go to bed without these essential nutrients, you will only be selling your muscles short and not see any quick muscle gains.

Think about it. If you sleep for eight hours (as you should) on an empty stomach, you are forcing your body to starve for this entire duration. If you want to see quick muscle gains, you have to do everything you can to prevent this induced starvation from occurring.
I'm not saying that you should feast on a five-course meal just before you go to bed. Doing so will only result in poor sleep and indigestion. What we're talking about here is a small snack, eaten half an hour before your bedtime, which will help your body, especially your muscles, to be primed with adequate nutrients. The idea is to keep your body in an anabolic state for as long as possible so that you can experience quick muscle gains even in your sleep.

With pre-bedtime nutrition, your goal is to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients that can be released gradually while you are asleep to promote quick muscle gains. Keeping your body in this anabolic state for a couple of hours every night helps to ensure that less muscle is broken down, promoting quick muscle gains.

This meal should contain carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids and also be "timed-released." To achieve this, the meal should consist of slow release carbs, unsaturated fats, and a slow release protein.

One of the best sources of protein is whey protein (25-35 grams) mixed in 400-500 ml of milk. Milk contains casein that helps to slow down the release of all the nutrients, including whey protein. The protein will take about four hours to get digested by your body, and during this period, you will experience anabolic growth that will result in quick muscle gains.

For solid protein, consider cottage cheese, which is naturally high in casein and in glutamine.

You should also consume a small portion of a complex, slow release sugar before you hit the sack. This could be in the form of a small container of yogurt, a small bowl of oatmeal, or a slice of whole grain bread. All of these will slowly enter your system and will regulate your blood sugar levels, keeping your glycogen stores up for as long as possible.

By adding some fat to your pre-bedtime snack, you naturally slow down the digestive process. This is precisely what you want out of your digestive system while you are asleep.

Consume some flaxseed oil and olive oil (tablespoon amounts) to slow down the digestive process and promote quick muscle gains by keeping your body in an anabolic state.

All natural peanut butter is another good way to obtain a dosage of healthy fat before bedtime. Mix one to two teaspoons into a protein shake.

To find out more about how you can achieve quick muscle gains by proper bedtime nutrition, visit the following website…

Grab Your Free Gift: Discover the true secrets to gain more muscle with Sean Nalewanyj's famous 8-part mass building tips course.

Get even more free muscle building advice from this article: How To Gain Muscle Fast: Get Back To Basics.

Article Source: UnArchived Articles
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Anonymous said...

Question about this, when i drink protein, it tends to make me very hungry, but at the same time, it gives a feeling where you're hungry, but not in the mood to eat anything at all.

When i drink my protein, and go to bed in half hour or an hour later, it wakes me up every 2 or 3 hours to go take a the same time, im very very hungry.

Dont know if this has smoething to do with insulin or whatever it is,...what can i do to help with this?

I didn't know adding peanut butter is good with protein, but im going to try it from now on...

Also is it only recommended to eat a snack? What if im hungry and want to eat pasta? (not whole wheat and i know it should be =P)

MuscleMonsters said...

I am not sure how you could avoid waking up to urinate but as far as being hungry, i would just add a small snack with my shake at night. Something solid like a granola bar or something of that nature.

You dont want to eat too much before bed, especially something like none wheat pasta, the reason is this; All those simple carbs that u take in before bed will more then likely start being stored as fat while you sleep. I'll assume that gaining fat is not the goal, correct?

I hope i have answered your question to your liking. I am open to any more questions you may have.

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