Whey Protein for Muscle Building

Whey Protein for Muscle Building

What is Whey?

Whey is protein derived from milk, and is broken down and absorbed very quickly. Making it an ideal choice for post workout nutrition. However, if you wanted to slow the digestion rate you could simply add in flax seed oil, which can be purchased at any grocery or health food store.
Whey protein Isolate is 90% or greater in terms of quality of protein. Where fats and carbohydrates are removed during the filtration process. Isolates tend to cost more because of the purity of the protein.

What is Biological Value?

This refers to the amount of protein that is actually utilized to synthesize proteins the body requires. The value is commonly expressed as a number (true percentage utilization) or a percent (percentage utilization relative to another already established and utilizable protein source).

How is it useful to bodybuilders?

Weight training increases lean body mass via several factors. One being microscopic tears in muscle fibers. Once we consume the ideal post workout meal (containing carbohydrates and protein) insulin levels rises. Once this hormone is elevated it's extremely effective at shuttling nutrients into cells, in this case nutrients will be shuttled off to repair the microscopic tears. This results in enlarging of the muscle (hypertrophy) and strengthening the fibers in order to prevent this tears from reoccurring.

Since whey protein has a fast absorption rate and a high biological value. It makes perfect sense to use whey protein post workout. Its' high amino acid content, makes it an ideal supplement to increase protein synthesis and aid in hypertrophy.

Whey Protein is an ideal supplement for all those interested in body recomposition. For affordable, high quality whey protein isolate in Canada.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Xavier_Houston
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Anonymous said...


Whey Protein Isolate said...

After read this post I think that whey protein isolate will prove surely helpful to gain muscles.

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