Weight Gain for Hardgainers

Weight Gain for Hardgainers

Are you tired of being a skinny weakling?
Does it feel like gaining weight could be impossible?
Is your “hardgainer” body type making it hard to gain weight fast and see explosive results?

If you feel like your genetics have robbed you from having sleeve ripping arms and the body of your dreams, DON’T WORRY! I felt the same way….Until I implemented a few simple changes to my plan and packed on over 40 pounds of solid muscle in 24 weeks.

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You see, weight gain is really not as complicated as it may seem. The main issue we face as hardgainers is, we follow plans and routines put together by NON hardaginers for NON hardgainers. You must first understand the fact that our body type is different and our approach to building muscle should be as well.
What works for them DOES NOT WORK for us
Why can't we GAIN WEIGHT?
1. You are spending more than 3-4 hours in the gym weekly.
2. You’re not eating enough of the RIGHT foods.
3. Your gym routine was created for bodybuilders and NON hardgainers.
4. Not increasing your overall workout volume.
5. Depending too much on weight gaining supplements and not enough on the compound workouts that increase muscle building hormones.
This was me…

I was 115 lbs of skin and bones with little or no confidence at all. I didn’t have the girls, I didn’t have the drive, and I definitely didn’t have the confidence to change that.
As time went by I noticed my friends getting bigger, stronger, and more attractive to the ladies. But me? Nothing, I didn’t grow and felt like I would be stuck at a measly 115 lbs forever.
On a mission to gain weight fast, I started reading bodybuilding magazines, spending hours in the gym, spending tons of money on supplements, and following bodybuilding routines.
After several weeks, I saw no results whatsoever. I didn’t understand why it worked for my friends, but did nothing at all for me. I figured I was cursed with genes that prohibited me from building muscle.
That was until…
I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to finding the answer to my problem. I questioned the pros who were “hardgainers” and pieced together all the answers that helped me go from Bony to Brawny with no supplements whatsoever.

Still feel like it is impossible for you to gain weight?
Fear no more, I have put together this free website and made all my “secrets” accessible to you. “Why?” you ask, well as you can tell I am very passionate about muscle weight gain for hardgainers and would be honored to help out others like myself who are losing hope.

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