How to get six pack abs fast

How to get six pack abs fast

Everyone wants to get nice abs but most people get discouraged when they do crunches all day for months and see no results. The fact is, getting six pack abs is not just about doing crunches all day, in fact, crunches may be the least important step to getting that nice six pack you have always wanted. With that being said, i decided to put together a very simple guide to getting those nice abs. Here is a list of ways to exercise and diet to get that six pack.
Exercise to burn fat
1. Walking and/or jogging 3 days a week will help speed up metabolism
2. Proper crunches about 3 times a week
3. Climb stairs, dance, run (uphill for best results)

Diet to burn fat
Lots of fruits and vegetables
Eat about 6 almonds daily (good protein and burns fats)
3. Chew your food well and take time to eat. Moderate your food habits that deprive yourself of your favorite delicacies. In the long run, you would avoid going back to your unhealthy intake routine.
4. Avoid fermented foods
5. Slow down the intake of high amounts of fats and carbohydrates. Slow down high sugar and high calorie diet and consume nutritious food with fiber content. Fibrous food can help in healthy bowel movements
6. Limit your intake of pastas, white bread, white rice and potatoes. Get used to the taste of whole wheat bread and brown rice instead.
7. Drink about 8-10 glasses of water, this will help slow down the food and snack intake.
8. No eating 3-4 hours within bed time
9. Break down your meals to 5-6 small meals daily and include fruits and vegetables through the day.
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