Gain Lbs Of Muscle With 5 Simple Steps (Hardgainer)

Gain Lbs Of Muscle With 5 Simple Steps (Hardgainer)

Are you stuck at a certain size and finding it nearly impossible to gain lbs of muscle? Let me explain something, there could be one little thing you are doing wrong when trying to gain lbs, or there could a hundred. What I am not going to do is go through every single possible explanation for your lack of muscle gain, but what I will do is point out the top 5 most common reasons people fail to pack on muscle mass. Fact is, if you have been the same size for as long as you can remember, you are making at least one big mistake. That one mistake could sabotage your entire chance at any significant gains. Consider yourself lucky, you are about to get the ultimate solution for your problem.
Not eating enough:
As obvious as this point may be, it is also the most common reason people fail to gain lbs. You might even argue that you have gained some weight with your diet, that’s great. Let me give it to you straight, do you really think that eating the same amount of calories you did when you were 10 pounds lighter is enough to fuel your new physique? There is a very easy fix to this… more! Right now you are simply eating just enough to maintain your current size.
Here is a very simple formula you can follow in order to know how much you should be eating.
(22 x Your Body Weight = Daily Caloric Intake)

You are at a plateau:
Similar to your diet, most people are afraid to make changes to something that has shown results. This is what I like to call the “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” excuse. Let’s be honest though, at this point, it is broken. You see, if you follow a routine for 6 months without making any changes, your body has adapted to the stress and finds no reason to build newer and stronger muscles. The key here is to add more strain every workout than the session before. A few things you can do to break through that plateau are; increasing the amount of weight you are using without sacrificing repetitions, increase repetitions without sacrificing weight, cut your breaks in half, or add an additional set to each exercise.

Focus on the real muscle building exercises:
It is very important that you make compound workouts the focal point of your workouts. These heavy exercises target more than one muscle group at a time and are great for tearing down muscle fibers. Am I against isolation routines? Not at all, to the contrary, I think isolation workouts are very necessary. The thing is, compound workouts have so many great benefits that it would be counterproductive to ignore them. Some benefits of compound exercises are; increase of testosterone production, increased GH production, added strain on all muscle groups, and rapid increase in strength.

Here are a few Compound Workouts I recommend:
Dead Lifts
Bench Press
Military Press
Chin Ups
Bent over Rows

Relying too much on supplements:
The number one mistake we make when we have incorporated some sort of supplement into our routine, is we don’t feel the need to work as hard since we have assistance. What you need to know is, most supplements only make about a 5-10 percent difference and that is IF you are on a perfect diet. Another thing is, these muscle building supplements that claim to help you gain lbs, they don’t create muscle themselves, they only enhance our ability to gain muscle IF and only IF we are following a good diet and strenuous workout routine. You see, these pills and powders don’t make muscle, your hard work dieting and working out are the ones that do. These supplements can only go as far as to give you the ability to create extra muscle, but they will not make a difference unless you are playing your roll.

Not enough rest:
I know how bad it sucks to workout and not see any gains, and I understand the first instinct would be to workout more. Now that may seem like the answer, but unfortunately this will only worsen the situation. Contrary to what most believe, muscle is not created in the gym while we lift heavy weights, it is created at home or away from the gym while we rest. If you fail to rest, your body will not grow, period. What do I recommend? Well for starters, instead of 5-6 days a week, start going to the gym only 3-4 or every other day. This will not only allow your body time to create new larger and stronger muscle, but it you will also benefit from more energy and better workout sessions. Another very important step in the rest section is sleep. You should be getting at least 7-9 hours every single night. This extremely crucial because your body builds the most amount of muscle while we are in deep sleep.

Go Gain Lbs
Whether you are a hardgainer or just a regular guy unable to gain muscle mass, these 5 things are very important for your progress. I can assure any of my readers will definitely be back on the road to muscle mass with these simple changes to their routine. Good luck and Happy Lifting.
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Anonymous said...

Im not sure but i've heard
for those who wanna bulk up! and gain pure muscle Mass!, have to eat AlOT ! !
like eating 2,700 calories ? does it work ?

well ive been trying to do this! and i did get some results in my upper body, but i am not liking how my stomach is turning out ? i still have some belly fat, and geting worse.

so what can i do better ?

and also is whey protien Good ?? and when should you take it ??

MuscleMonsters said...

Hey, thanks for the question.

The amount of calories you take in should go according to your current body weight.

One major thing you must remember is that more important than how many calories, is the types of calories you take in.

If your consuming 2700 calories of simple carbs, low quality protein, and uneeded fats, your going to put on the wrong type of weight.

Stick to complex carbs (whole wheats/ whole grain), high quality protein (chicken, turkey, fish), and natural fats (peanut butter, assorted nuts, flaxseed oil).

Whey protein is great, it is great to consume immediately following your workout.

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