How to Get Big Fast - The Rep Range for Increased Muscle Size

How to Get Big Fast - The Rep Range for Increased Muscle Size

Where did anyone ever get this idea that heavy weight and low reps adds size, or that light weight with high reps build definition? This is probably the biggest misconception with weight lifters EVER! Today I am going to clear that up and give you the simple truth on how to get big fast.
A couple of weeks ago I posted an article about how to get strong fast. I explained that the rep range of 1-3 is best for strength and makes little to no difference whatsoever in muscle size.
The stronger or larger your muscles grow is determined by the type of muscle hypertrophy you trigger. You see, there are two types of hypertrophy, one called sarcoplasmic and one called myofibrillar.
For the sake of keeping things simple:
-Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy increases muscle size.
-Myofibrillar hypertrophy increases muscle strength and density.
How to get big fast
So what is the actual rep range I should perform in order to get big fast? Well, sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is typically triggered by 10-15 repetitions. Now, this doesn’t mean throw on light weight and pump the reps out. The idea is to go heavy, high rep, and focus on eccentric movement.
But wait, it’s not that simple….
Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy does not increase much strength at all, so what is the problem with this? It’s simple, if you aren’t increasing your volume (strength, intensity, ect), you will plateau and stop noticing gains. You want to know how to get big fast right? Well, although myofibrillar hypertrophy doesn’t increase muscle size, it does increase density and strength which in turn will allow you to increase volume during sarcoplasmic hypertrophy training.
My point is this...
To get big fast you must train with a combination of the two
, alternate between 1-3 reps and 10-15 reps. Another more common approach is meeting right in the middle, performing 5-8 reps in order to increase strength, density, and size at the same rate. However, 1-3 reps will increase density and strength much faster than 5-8 reps, and 10-15 reps will increase size much faster than 5-8 reps. So why meet right in the middle? Well I find it more efficient to increase all aspects evenly and progressively. The type of approach you take is totally up to you, either one will work effectively so long as you stay CONSISTANT.
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