Jake Gyllenhaal Workout Routine for The Prince Of Persia

Jake Gyllenhaal Workout Routine for The Prince Of Persia

You may have noticed Jake Gyllenhaal has put on a massive amount of muscle preparing for his role in Prince of Persia, so I figured I would go ahead and give you the workout routine that allowed him to do so. Remember, he has always been pretty lean, but he did manage to put on an incredible amount of muscle in a short period of time.

The Jake Gyllenhall workout routine for The Prince of Persia that I am sharing, is said to come directly from his personal trainer. I recommend this workout to more advanced lifters (at least 6 months of continuous training).

Jake Gyllenhaal Workout Routine:
This routine is an 8 week workout that should be accompanied by proper diet and atleast 2 days of rest per week. Since this is a mass building routine, it is important that you perform 6-12 reps per exercise. Start off with 3 sets each and add one every week until you have reached 5 sets per exercise. Once you have reached the 5 set per exercise point, focus on increasing your weight and decreasing your rest time in between sets.
Day 1:
Seated Cable Rows
Cable Barbell Curls
Pull Ups
Cable Hammer Curls with Rope
Cable Flyes
Cable One Arm Triceps Extension
Cable Crossover
Cable Triceps Extension Low Cable
Push Ups

Day 2:
HIIT/ High Intensity Interval Training

Day 3:
Rest and Recover

Day 4:
Bent Over Low-Pulley Lateral Extensions
Barbell Lunges
Hanstand Push Ups
One Leg Barbell Squats
Front Cable Raises
Plie Dumbbell Squats
Dumbbell Step Ups

Day 5:
HIIT/ High Intensity Interval Training

Day 6:
Rest and Recover
Day 7:
Jake Gyllenhaal Workout Routine For The Prince Of Persia:
There you have it! Jake Gyllenhaal’s workout is extremely intense but the results are definitely worth the work. This workout routine accompanied by a clean diet of complex carbohydrates, good proteins, and natural fats, will work wonders for any body type. If you are a beginner and are interested in trying this routine, I recommend starting off with 2 sets per exercise and working your way up.
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Anonymous said...

Whats day 2 and day 4 ?? i know its H.I.I.T. but its the same workouts or what ?

MuscleMonsters said...

Copy and paste this URL for an example of a HIIT routine. You do not necessarily have to use this one but anything similar will do just fine.


Unknown said...

Can you make an article about avoiding PLateaus ! ! :)

MuscleMonsters said...

hey daniel, although i will be creating an entire article toward avoiding a plateau, the answer is quite simple. The ONLY way to avoid the plateau effect is increasing volume. Your body plateaus when its used to the same amount of stress over and over and it has already adapted. Obviously since your body has adapted to the same continuous stress on the muscles, it will feel no need to grow larger or stronger muscles.

The ways you can increase your volume are simple:
1. Add an extra set to each workout without sacrifcing reps.
2. Add extra reps without sacrificing sets or weight.
3. Increase weight without sacrificing reps.
or 4. Decrease the amount of time you rest ebtween sets.

As long as you continue to do better each workout than your last, your body will keep growing.

Be sure to subscribe at the top left of the page so that you get an email once i have put up the full article on this.

Anonymous said...

It's fasting month for some of us, I know i'll be losing some size fro muscle and fat both, my question is, when it's time to break the fast, should we consume food with more protein or carbs?

Breaking fast time is around 8pm so no can do gym since it's work early next day?

Anonymous said...

ok so since no answer for my fasting question how about this then...

You say when you first wake up, your body is in a fat burning mode from fasting that long. Now, what if we wake up and havent eaten anything all day, is your body still in a fat burning mode or not?

MuscleMonsters said...

Once your done fasting, your body will need both proteins and Carbohydrates.

After fasting the entire day, I recommend a decent meal with complex carbs, clean proteins, and natural fats.

Going about your day for too long on an empty stomach will result in muscle loss do to catabolic effects such as cortisol production, this will eat away at muscle tissue.

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