So a lot of people that are trying to build muscle or gain weight have started leaning toward certain supplements to help. I have seen tons of people make the huge mistake of forgetting to take there milk thistle. If you haven't figured it out, most of these supplements that you are taking to gain muscle mass or gain weight are actually affecting your liver in a negative way.
Would i suggest to stop taking them? No, not at all. What i would suggest is to take milk thistle when taking these strength gain supplements. Milk thistle is made to protect the liver and help prevent liver disease. With this being said, please do not forget your milk thistle when taking these supplements. If you are not going to take the milk thistle then in this case, YES i would recommend not taking the strength gain supplements. These things can really damage the liver. The best and most effective way to protect your liver from these supplements is milk thistle. So again, dont forget it!