Lose weight NOW not next year!

Lose weight NOW not next year!

Special School Helps Kids Combat Childhood Obesity

Let me apologize now for what you are about to read. Excuse me if I seem a little aggravated or upset, I am just tired of hearing and seeing people make so many excuses about why they can not maintain a healthy lifestyle. This article was not intended to criticize or put anyone down, in fact, it is just the opposite. I have created this post to help people understand that weight loss or living healthy in general is not as hard as some of us make it seem. Here are a few things I have noticed that we MUST change in order to meet our goals. I am hoping that once you finish reading that you will not make these changes a “new year’s resolution”.

Put away the scale and pull out the measuring tape

Why is everyone so obsessed with their weight?
Instead of saying “I want to lose 10 pounds”, why don’t we say “I want to knock 4 inches off my waist “? The thing with focusing on weight loss is that we are often disappointed when we step on the scale. This causes us to give up because we feel like what we are doing is not working. Fact is, it probably is working and the reason for not losing weight is because you are adding muscle. You may weigh the same, more, or just a little less but your measurements may have changed for the better. You see, it is possible that you stepped on the scale hoping you had dropped about 5 pounds and got disappointed when you ended up gaining a pound. What you didn’t realize is that you lost 2 inches on your waist.

I’ll give you a very simple and straight forward example. Take two males who both are 6 feet and weigh 200 pounds. Male number one is 20 percent body fat and male number two is 13 percent body fat. Now, they are both the exact same height and the exact same weight but male number two looks significantly thinner and fitter than male number one. It really is just that simple, if we want to stay focused and positive about our progress then I recommend we put away the scale and pull out the measuring tape.

Why wait? Start now!

Why is it that every time someone is going to start a “diet”, they say “I’m going to start on Monday”? I hate hearing that from people who are interested in starting something new. It’s Wednesday, why not just start today? What is the reason that you want to continue the same routine that has you unhappy with yourself for another week?

This “I’m going to start on Monday” is just an excuse that is followed by eating more junk for the days between now and Monday. Have you ever heard someone that smoked cigarettes say “I’m going to quit after this pack” and they end up smoking double the amount they are used to that day? Then the excuse is “I’m quitting after this pack so I have to get in as much as I can now” or something to that effect. People, junk food, like cigarettes is an addiction. By over loading on these unhealthy foods for the next week before you “quit” is just going to push your goals back drastically. Make the decision that you want to lose weight, eat healthier, or whatever it may be but start NOW.

Don’t make a good workout the excuse for eating junk

Today I was on my personal facebook page and saw a status update from a friend of mine and I could not believe what I was reading.

“On my way to workout…see you guys at the bar later”

Need I say more?

Let’s say that this person was in the gym working hard and managed to burn 1000 calories. After that he ends up at the bar and consumes 4 beers adding up to 440 calories. Not to mention his post workout meal and anything in between his post workout meal and his 4 beers. I can guarantee those 1000 calories burned were taken right back in.

Is working out and eating unhealthy better or the same as not working out and eating unhealthy?
Obviously it is better to workout over not working out, but what kind of progress do you expect to see if you are filling your body with empty carbs and thinking it is OK because u just worked out?

100% is better than 70%

What is the deal with the person who fills the fridge with slim fast shakes and chooses the elevator over the steps? I applaud you for taking initiative and changing your eating habits. Changing bad eating habits is a huge step for someone who has goals to live a healthy lifestyle.

My question is, why stop there? The hardest part has already been done, if you can eat better, you can live better. Now give yourself that extra push and take the steps instead of the elevator (considering how far up or down you are going of course) or even simply walking over to your co worker to deliver paperwork over emailing it while sitting three offices away.

STOP making excuses

Remember readers, an excuse is just that…an excuse. Yes legitimate reasons to procrastinate exist, but for the most part I feel that it is us building these obstacle courses for ourselves.

“I don’t have time to go to the gym”

“I can’t afford a gym membership”

Here is a very effective home workout routine that can be done in just minutes without any type of equipment.

Also, check out this body weight cardio routine by Vince DelMonte that can be performed from home with no equipment.

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Anonymous said...

this was very informative

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