
Home shoulder workout routine

Here is a very simple but effective shoulder workout that can be done from home. The only thing you will need to perform this workout is a set of dumbbells and a chair. What makes this workout so great is that it does not skip any of the muscle in the shoulder. The workout is broken down into four simple workouts and will take about 25-35 minutes to complete.

Lateral raises
4 x 10-12 reps

Front raises
4 x 10-12 reps

Shoulder press
4 x 10 reps

Posterior deltoids
4 x 10 reps
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How to get six pack abs fast

Everyone wants to get nice abs but most people get discouraged when they do crunches all day for months and see no results. The fact is, getting six pack abs is not just about doing crunches all day, in fact, crunches may be the least important step to getting that nice six pack you have always wanted. With that being said, i decided to put together a very simple guide to getting those nice abs. Here is a list of ways to exercise and diet to get that six pack.
Exercise to burn fat
1. Walking and/or jogging 3 days a week will help speed up metabolism
2. Proper crunches about 3 times a week
3. Climb stairs, dance, run (uphill for best results)

Diet to burn fat
Lots of fruits and vegetables
Eat about 6 almonds daily (good protein and burns fats)
3. Chew your food well and take time to eat. Moderate your food habits that deprive yourself of your favorite delicacies. In the long run, you would avoid going back to your unhealthy intake routine.
4. Avoid fermented foods
5. Slow down the intake of high amounts of fats and carbohydrates. Slow down high sugar and high calorie diet and consume nutritious food with fiber content. Fibrous food can help in healthy bowel movements
6. Limit your intake of pastas, white bread, white rice and potatoes. Get used to the taste of whole wheat bread and brown rice instead.
7. Drink about 8-10 glasses of water, this will help slow down the food and snack intake.
8. No eating 3-4 hours within bed time
9. Break down your meals to 5-6 small meals daily and include fruits and vegetables through the day.
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Dumbbell rows for lats at home

Here is another great home workout by Scooby. This one in specific can be done with as little as a set of dumbbells and a chair. The workout targets your lats. You can perform these dumbbell rows as a part of your back workout.

As Scooby said, if your form is off then your probably using to much weight. In that case, just drop weight to something lighter so that you can use proper form. Proper form is important so that you don't hurt yourself and also to make sure you are targeting the right muscle.

As i said before, include this workout in your back exercise and perform 4-5 sets doing 8-12 reps.
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Convert kilograms to pounds

Today i was at the gym ( Wand Fight Team) and noticed a scale in the locker room. I turn it on and weigh myself. The scale reads my weight in kg, and i realised i have no idea how many pounds that is. With that being said, i did some research and figured out my weight in pounds. So i figured i would give you all a little run down on how to convert kilograms to pounds or pounds to kilograms.

1 Kilogram equals 2.20462262185 pounds

1 pound equals 0.45359237 kilograms

The most obvious and simple way to convert is to multiply the amount of kilograms with 2.20462262185 or the amount of pounds with 0.45359237.

For example: If you weigh 73.7 kilograms, it would be 73.7 x 2.20462262185 which equals 162.480687230345. 73.7 kilograms equals 162 pounds.

If you weigh 175 pounds, it would be 175 x 0.45359237 which equals 79.37866475. 175 pounds equals 79.4 kilograms.

Now if u don't need to be so incredibly accurate, here is a much easier way to convert.

Number of pounds x 0.45 equals the amount of kilograms.

Example: 155 pounds times 0.45 equals 69.8 kilograms.

Number of kilograms x 2.2 equals the amount of pounds.
Example: 74.7 kilograms times 2.2 equals 164 pounds.
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Great home shoulder workout

Here is a great shoulder workout that can be done from home. All that is needed is a set of dumbbells. This is definitely a great workout to add in your shoulder routine. With this shoulder workout it is very important to go slowly and use your shoulders and not momentum. If you are trying to gain size then i would say use more weight then you would usually and perform 5-6 reps per set. If you are trying to get more of a ripped look, then use lighter weight and perform about 10-12 reps per set. I would say that you should do about 4-5 sets of this workout in your shoulder routine.
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Wanderlei Silva - Wand Fight Team

A lot of you may or may not have heard that MMA pro Wanderlei Silva has opened a brand new gym in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here is a quick run through of the facility and classes available. Al Gonz is a current student at the " Wand Fight Team " and has nothing but great things to say about the facility. Check out this quick introduction to the opening of the Wand Fight Team. Al Gonz will be updating you all on his experience there throughout the weeks. Stay tuned for his road to becoming a pro fighter.

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Five steps to a 5-star body

Getting your best body can be as simple as counting to five every day. Really! No matter what goal you’re pursuing—shedding those 10 pounds that have been hanging around too long, toning your trouble zones or simply eating healthier. It's so easy. I think of it as my five-star day. The five-star day is so simple—you just give yourself a star for everything you do right. You get stars for:
Sleep! Try to catch 7 to 9 hours each night. This, I know from personal experience, can seem like an unrealistic goal, but the amount of research that supports the connection between shut-eye and health makes me shoot for this star every day. For starters, catching enough zzz’s can help you lose weight. In a study of more than 68,000 women, those who dozed seven hours a night weighed 5.5 pounds less than women who slept five hours or less. Ample sleep encourages your body to make more of the fullness hormone leptin and less of the hunger hormone ghrelin, so you’re not as hungry. Snoozing can also curb anxiety and depression, both of which can lead to emotional eating. As if that’s not enough reason, too little rest can cloud moral judgment, too. Try going to bed just 30 minutes earlier each night to see how much you’ll benefit.

Yes, breaking a sweat can help you lose weight, but it can also curb cravings, help you live longer, reduce stress, undo some of the damage of eating fatty foods—and those are just a few of the benefits. Aim for 30 minutes a day—even a walk counts toward your tally—and give yourself a star each time you fulfill that goal with any one of your favorite workouts.

Eat right! No, you don’t have to count calories. You can eat healthy and have delicious, filling and satisfying meals (snacks, too!). If you’re doing the 2009 SELF Challenge, give yourself a star for every day that you eat according to the Challenge meal plan and log your meals in your online food diary. If you’re not doing the Challenge, you can still snag a star when you’ve eaten in a way that makes your body feel good—and you feel proud. For me, that’s when I opt for yogurt with berries rather than a muffin at breakfast, have a salad with tofu for lunch and choose salmon over steak at dinner, then skip the ice cream pig-out late at night. Yes, it’s that simple! I’m not perfect, and there are definitely days when I have a second glass of wine or a too-generous square of my favorite dark chocolate bar, but I find that once I start building that five-star day, I get invested in it and want to keep it up.

Stretch! Limbering up is a way to thank your muscles for all the hard work they do for you each day. It can also help you increase your overall range of motion, making exercise seem less difficult. And when workouts are less daunting, you’ll not only enjoy them more, but you also will probably do them more often, too! To me, yoga and pilates count, as does just stretching at the kitchen counter as I watch the headlines in the morning. No need to set aside a huge block of time! However you choose to go Gumby, give yourself a star for treating your body to a break.

Talk yourself up! This might be the most important part of the five-star plan: Giving yourself a well-deserved pat on the back for simply being strong, smart and healthy. Even on days when you only notch one or two other stars, take a moment to give yourself credit for being a truly amazing human being. Talking yourself up carries over to other areas of your life: Not only will you feel more confident, but research shows you will also get sick about 30 percent less frequently, stave off emotional eating and reduce your cancer risk. There are plenty of other reasons to celebrate your body. Pretty impressive for a few pats on the back!

Create your own five-star days: When you join the Challenge, you can use our free online logs to track the stars you earn each day. Counting stars is motivating, and rewarding yourself for smart, healthy behavior is more inspiring than the negative mind-sets required by most "diets." I had to create a system in my own head that was simple, easy to track and optimistic. The best part is that you get to start fresh every day, so even if you only manage one or two stars one day, you can stay with it by going to sleep early and telling yourself, like Scarlett O’Hara, tomorrow is another day!

By Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief
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Skinny to muscle with 3 simple steps

If going from skinny to muscle bound is your aim you better look closely at your current training regime because most skinny guys with fast metabolisms tend to be classed as "hard gainers". This basically means that your body does not gain muscle fast for similar reasons that you do not gain fat fast either.

This does not mean you are doomed to being a runt, it just means a different training regime is needed for the skinny guy which these 3 simple steps can get you started with!
Deadlifting and Squatting
If you do just two exercises for the rest of your life these are the two ones you should choose. These are considered the two best exercises for overall muscle growth which is doubly important for skinny body types who tend to do very poorly with isolation exercises compared to others.

These weight training exercises work out about 75% of your musculature including your shoulders, traps, arms, Gluts, back, hams, calves and core muscles. Not only this but the intensity of these exercises has another important effect which is releasing growth hormones that contribute to overall muscle mass increase which does not happen with isolation exercises.

Compound Exercises Are King
As has been mentioned doing exercises that target just one muscle group has limited effect over exercises that activate multiple muscle groups with multiple joints moving. It is best to stick to exercises such as squats, leg presses, deadlifts, bench presses, barbell rows, pull ups, chin ups, over head presses, and dips.

This should be mandatory to your regime not an optional extra!

Focus on Rest & Recovery
How much of a focus do you currently put on your rest periods between sets
? If you are not counting every minute and second then you are doing yourself a disservice in your skinny to muscle quest because your rest period is something that can show that you are increasing strength if you keep the same recovery time between sets but are increasing your weights. If you lose track of your recovery time you do not know if you are getting stronger or you are just resting more to get your energy and breath back!

Not only this but recovery times vary depending on what kind of workout you are doing. If you are training for maximal strength then you need a longer recovery time of about 3-4 minutes while muscle growth need about 30-90 seconds. So keep track of your recovery periods for the type of training you are doing for maximum results and training efficiency.

These three simple skinny bodybuilding steps will have you putting on rapid muscle growth and strength increases all over your body just like a certain skinny guy once did who became a champion bodybuilder and fitness coach

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Home back workout (lats)

Here is an awesome home back workout. All you will need is a pull up bar, dumbbells, and a chair. This is mainly to target the lats and to give you that nice size. When performing this workout i want you to try to focus on your form.
In the video, Scooby instructs you to perform exactly what he performed in that order. Instead of running the entire exercise 5 times i would also suggest you could perform it this way...
-Wide grip pull ups followed by dumbbell rows 10x4
-Alternating grip pulls followed by dumbbell pullovers 10x4
-Narrow grip pull ups followed by bent over rows 10x4
(Reps x Sets)
This workout should take about 45 minutes and can easily be done from home. It is very important to use the proper weight when working back to avoid injury. Remember, this is a superset workout so you will probably not use the same amount of weight as you would normally for the dumbbell portions.

For the narrow grip, in the video Scooby demonstrates with parallel grip, if you do not have one it is fine. Instead of the parallel grip you can simply perform the pull ups with your hands about 2-3 inches apart. Remember, bar in front of the face and not behind the head. Performing pull ups with your head behind the bar will damage the shoulders.
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6 Week Hardgainer Bodybuilding Workout

Here at Muscle Monsters we are huge on gaining size. If you are a hardgainer and have trouble gaining size i just want you to know it is not impossible. With proper diet and exercise it will be much easier than you may think. Here is another video by fitness professional Vince Del Monte. I previously posted a video he created explaining the exact amount of calories and types of calories you should intake. This new video i came across is a 6 week hardgainer bodybuilding workout. Following this along with the proper diet, you will notice incredible gains at a surprising speed. Here is a list of these workouts.
-Chest Press
-Bentover Rows
-Standing Military Press
-Front Plate Wood Choppers
-Chin Ups
-Back Extension
-Reverse Incline Raises

Weeks 1-2 3x15 Reps 30 second rest
Weeks 3-4 4x10 Reps 60 second rest
Weeks 5-6 5x5 Reps 90 second rest

Perform this 3 days a week, prefferably One day on and one day off. For example:
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SuperPump 250 and SizeOn stack results (Week 3)

Here is week three as promised. I started out weighing 136 and am now at 144. In three weeks i have gained about 8 pounds of lean muscle mass. Not to mention i have gotten a lot stronger as well off of just taking Superpump 250 about 30 minutes before my workout and Sizeon during my workouts. On off days i also take Superpump 250 and Sizeon, I take superpump around the time i usually would workout and Sizeon about 30-45 minutes after. Stay tuned for week 4, I will break down my diet and exercise routines with that post.

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Tips on how to gain lean muscle

Every bodybuilder wants to know how to gain lean muscle. Having a good understanding about basic bodybuilding principles including training frequency, the types of exercises to perform and the importance of diet can help develop bodybuilding strength and build muscle mass fast and naturally. There is no need to resort to the use of artificial drugs to accelerate muscle gain. You might look good in the short term but your health will suffer in the long term. When the side effects occur that's when the regrets will set in. This article will provide 6 tips on how to gain lean muscle and to stay healthy and drug free.
Tip #1: Training Frequency

Many bodybuilders get caught up training for hours on end several times a week. Over training severely hampers your results by cannibalizing muscle and leaving inadequate time for muscle repair. You might be surprised to know that great results can be achieved by training as little as ½ an hour per workout three times a week. The key is intensity, doing the correct exercises and training to failure. By minimizing the rest between sets you also reap cardiovascular benefit and burn up body fat. Learn about the economy of exercise and watch how your gains accelerate.

Tip #2: Reps

For building lean muscle and bodybuilding strength you should keep your repetitions low. 6-10 reps is a good guideline to work with. Once you are strong enough to perform the exercise with correct form and can achieve 10 to 12 reps then you need to raise the weight. As you get stronger you will build muscle mass. Always train until failure to make sure that you are working the muscle to maximum capacity.

Tip #3: Get a training partner

Organizing a training partner can be great for motivation. They can provide support and push you to achieve additional reps that you would otherwise not accomplish. When you are doing exercises such as the bench press or squats you really benefit from having someone spot you. This allows you to attempt extra repetitions without fear of pinning yourself to the bench. Find someone who has similar aims to you and form an alliance. By training together you will both benefit.

Tip #4: Incorporate sound dietary principles.

One of the most important principles to get huge bodybuilding is to have a well balanced diet. You need adequate protein, carbohydrates and fat. Carbohydrates provide energy and aid in recovery. Protein is the building blocks of muscle. Even fats are important but you need to know which kind. Saturated and trans fats are generally detrimental but unsaturated fats are beneficial. Make sure you learn about which foods belong to which food group so that you can create a properly structured meal plan. 5-6 small meals a day is the best way to go. You will need to correctly break down each meal to contain the correct food groups. Calorie intake is also important. As you get stronger and grow in size you should raise your calorie intake.

Tip #5: Learn about exercise.

Different exercises work different muscles. Compound exercises are generally the best to gain lean muscle. They work several muscle groups concurrently. Specifically, these are bent over rows, squats, bench press, bicep curls and shoulder press. They work the muscles to build mass and strength at the same time. These exercises also require good balance which works the musculature associated with maintaining balance.

Tip #6: Get plenty of rest.

Getting adequate rest ensures that you properly recover and maintain the necessary energy levels for hard training. You would be surprised how much energy can be consumed if you are maxing out your workouts. It is also dangerous to train if you are tired because you can easily injure yourself.

Following the above tips on how to gain lean muscle will provide you with a solid foundation and provide plenty of avenue for additional research. You will achieve bodybuilding strength and build mass is you develop a consistent and disciplined approach.

Mike Johnston has been training with weights and bodybuilding for over fifteen years. He has trained alongside many champions and through education, trial and error developed the knowledge to know what works. His muscle ebook is the ideal guide for aspiring bodybuilders to shorten the learning curve.

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